Bamazon App is a Node.js app that allows users to manipulate a mock store and inventory within the command line; the associated data is stored in a MySQL database.
This app has a three-part structure, providing access to the store's products and/or departments in the form of a user's choice to act as either Customer, Manager, or Supervisor.
By typing node bamazonCustomer.js
, a user is shown a table of the current products for sale and asked for the Item ID and desired quantity of an item.
Typing node bamazonManager.js
shows the user a list of several Manager-role options from which to select.
displays a table of the entire inventory, with VIEW LOW INVENTORY
presenting the user with items having counts lower than five:
A user can choose ADD TO INVENTORY
to increase the count of a specified item:
Finally, a Manager-role user is able to use ADD NEW PRODUCT
to create a new item to add to the inventory:
Entering node bamazonSupervisor.js
into the CLI will provide the user with a list of the total profits from each of the store's departments, as well as give the user the ability to create new departments using the list option CREATE NEW DEPARTMENT
This Bamazon app is dependent on multiple modules, packages, applications, and technologies, incorporating:
- Node.js, the CLI
- MySQL Workbench, for viewing and updating database tables
- SQL, the language used for interacting with the database
- mysql, a Node package for connecting and making queries to the database
- Inquirer.js, a package for the CLI prompts and capturing user input
- cli-table, the package used for the table formatting