
  • Login / Sign Up / Logout
  • Homepage
  • Register a Host Location
  • Request to Schedule a Location to stay at. Owner should approve or decline request to stay
  • View Locations taking reservations on a map
  • Search for specific locations in an area ???
  • Handle Instant Messaging between Host and Guest

Logic Notes

Host Location Deactivate

  • Toggle off the location for search, scheduling, and cancel any and all existing reservations. "We're shutting it all down!!!"

Host Location BlackOut

  • Owner's Personal Reservation. Owner can black out a timeframe where on a schedule the location will be occupied (By the Owner themselves)

Campy Model Outline


  • Attributes
    • Address, city, state, gps-coordinates
    • Image of the site and street
    • optional website for the user to link to
    • description, sell that location!
    • host_notes, keep off mah lawn!
    • active: boolean to allow owner to delist site


  • Attributes
    • first & last name
    • Profile Picture
    • email
    • type of domicile (RV, Camper, Car with tent, bivouac lol)


  • Attributes
    • electric, water, & septic hookups
    • assigned parking
    • tow vehicle parking
    • trash removal services
    • water front
    • pets allowed
    • WiFi


  • Attributes
    • RV_Compatible, lets the owner denote if RVs are accomodatable
    • Generators Allowed, does the owner tolerate the noise?
    • Fires Allowed? Some local ordinances do not allow any unauthorized fires, so owners might not allow campfires of any kind
    • Max Days, nuff said
    • pad type, gravel, pavements, dirt, grass, flood plain. Lets users know what they are in for. BUckle Up


  • Attributes
    • Start Date, the first whole day where users can book,
    • End Date, the last whole day where the users will stay


  • Attributes
    • overall_rating, noise, safety, cleanliness, access, & site_quality fields on a scale of 1 - 5
    • optional comments