install errors
Closed this issue · 6 comments
I'm trying to install Giggle on MacOsX. I went through the test procedure, and I had several blocks/errors:
- upon running
check_intersections_per_file ran in 0 sec with 0/1411 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 42)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_1 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_2 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_3 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_4 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_5 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_6 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_7 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_8 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_9 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_chr_v_nochr_search_10 ran in 0 sec with 0/11 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "11" == "11" (LINE 55)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 56)
check_bulk_insert ran in 0 sec with 0/23 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "23" == "23" (LINE 79)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 80)
check_offset_additional_data ran in 0 sec with 0/72 lines to STDERR/OUT
PASS "72" == "72" (LINE 87)
PASS "0" == "0" (LINE 88)
check_dense_index ran in 0 sec with 2/0 lines to STDERR/OUT
--> expected EX_OK, observed Unknown code: 1
sshtest v0.1.5
27 Tests
1 Failures
26 Successes
- upon running
cd ../unit; make
test_giggle.c:1851:test_giggle_bulk_insert:FAIL: Expected 22 Was 140239760787248
Any suggestion to fix this?
Thanks in advance
Can you please go to giggle/test/data/
, run the command below, and tell me the result.
../../bin/giggle index \
-s \
-i "../data/dense/*gz" \
-o ../data/dense_b \
-f \
giggle: Could not open file '../data/dense/326.bed.gz'
: Too many open files
Ah! Okay. Try running this before your test:
ulimit -Sn 16384
It turns out that macOS Sierra (10.12) does not allow to modify the limit... even with sudoing. However, I found the following trick []:
echo kern.maxfiles=65536 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo kern.maxfilesperproc=65536 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=65536
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=65536
ulimit -Sn 16384
Now I can run
successfully. Unfortunately, I've got a novel error when running cd ../unit; make
ruby ./unity/generate_test_runner.rb test_bpt_Runner.c
gcc -Werror -g -o test_bpt_Runner \
-I./unity \
-I../../src/ \
-I../../lib/htslib/ \
-DTEST ./unity/unity.c \
-pthread \
../../src/disk_store.c ../../src/cache.c ../../src/giggle_index.c ../../src/lists.c ../../src/util.c ../../src/ll.c ../../src/timer.c ../../src/file_read.c ../../src/bpt.c ../../src/wah.c ../../src/leaf.c ../../src/jsw_avltree.c ../../src/pq.c ../../src/offset_index.c ../../src/fastlz.c \
test_bpt_Runner.c test_bpt_Runner_Runner.c \
../../lib/htslib//libhts.a \
-lz -lm -lcurl -lcrypto -lssl
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_test_b_search", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_find_leaf", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_insert", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_insert_id_updated_bpt_node", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_insert_new_value", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_insert_repeat", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_insert_repeat_append", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_new_node", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_node_macros", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_rand_order_insert_new_value", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_split_node_non_root_parent_has_room", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_split_node_root", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_bpt_write_tree", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_find", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_rand_test", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_rand_test_high_order", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
"_test_split_repair", referenced from:
_main in test_bpt_Runner-f64dc6.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [test_bpt_Runner] Error 1
Try make clean;make
Thanks a lot for your help and quick answers! It now works perfectly and I could run the Roadmap Epigenomics example in few minutes.