Vault Splunk Intergration demo

Spin up Vault single node VM integrated with Splunk Enterprise that comes with Vault splunk app installed. This also installs Telegraf and Fluentd(td-agent) and configure to capture Vault metrics as well as events from audit logs, pushed to Splunk HTTP event collector interface for it to present them on a pre-built dashboard!


Place followings under ent directory

  • Vault Enterprise binary

  • Vault Enterprise license (store in license.txt)

  • Splunk Enterprise binary (Splunk account needs to be created to download free trial)

  • Vault Splunk App

    • You must have appropriate Vault Enterprise license contracted to download this app


Once you have all files downloaded and placed under ent directory, simply vagrant up in the root directory of this module.

Vault Web UI (user:admin pw:password)

Splunk Enterprise Web UI (root token is stored in /vagrant/primary-root-token.txt)
