- - Max value
- - Is prime
- - Uncompress
- - Compress
- - Anagrams
- - Most frequent char
- - Pair sum
- -
Problem sets references:
- What is a data structure?
A data structure is a way to organise data that it can be used effectively.
Help to manage and organise data.
- Complexity Analysis
TIME to finish & SPACE it needs
Big-O Notation - gives upper bound of the complexity of the worst case, quantifying performance as the input becomes arbitrarily large.
- Big-O Notation
Constant time: 0(1)
Log time: O(log(n))
Linear time: O(n)
Linearithmic time: O(nlog(n))
Quadric time: O(n2)
Cubic time: O(n3)
Exponential time: O(bn), b > 1
Factorial time: O(n!)
Notes references: