This application uses the Anaconda library to access a Twitter account via API keys and remove all tweets from it's home timeline. This application was originally designed as a free alternative to online applications such as tweetdeleter and will probably never be improved beyond it's existing functionality.
Either provide API information via command line arguments or in the source itself:
consumerKey = ""
consumerSecret = ""
accessToken = ""
accessSecret = ""
Options include:
$ rmTweet --help
Usage of rmTweet:
-as string
Your Twitter API Access Secret
-at string
Your Twitter API Access Token
-ck string
Your Twitter API Consumer Key
-cs string
Your Twitter API Consumer Secret
-days int
Only affect tweets created before n day(s) ago (Default 0)
This will unlike past tweets
This will un-retweet past tweets (must use along with -tweets option)
This will prevent any actual changes from occurring
This will delete past tweets
Example for deleting tweets, retweets, and likes that are older than 60 days:
go run rmTweet.go -tweets -retweets -likes -days 60