Semantic IPA input method for RIME

Sementic IPA input method v0.0.5

Basic Idea

Semanticize IPA input method.

How to

For pulmonic consonants


Argument Type Content
place Required Place of articulation. See the table below.
manner Required Manner of articulation. See the table below.
voiced? Optional Decide if it is a voiced plosive/fricative/affricate.

For example

  1. ap = a + p = Alveolar + Plosive = Voiceless alveolar plosive
  2. vl = v + l = Velar + Lateral approximent = Voiced velar lateral approximant
  3. alfv = a + lf + v = Alveolar + Lateral fricative + Voiced = Voiced alveolar lateral fricative

For vowels


Argument Type Content
backness Required Backness of vowel. See the table below.
height Required Height of vowel. See the table below.
rounded? Optional Decide if it is a rounded vowel.

For diacritics

For subscripts

If a subscript diacritic is a normal symbol in the IPA chart, it would be ^{SIPA of the symbol}, e.g, "tʰ" = ap^gf.

For other diacritics

See the table below.


Place of Articulation

Place Code
Bilabial b
Labiodental l
Dental d
Alveolar a
Postalveolar o
Retroflex r
Palatal p
Velar v
Uvular u
Pharyngeal h
Glottal g
Bilabial-labiodental l
Labial-velar lv
Labial-palatal lp
Epiglottal e
Alveolo-palatal ap
Linguolabial ll

Manner of Articulation

Manner Code
Plosive p
Nasal n
Trill r
Tap or Flap t
Fricative f
Lateral fricative lf
Approximent a
Lateral approximent l
Affricate af
Lateral flap lt

Backness of Vowel

Backness Code
Front f
Near-front f
Central c
Near-back b
Back b

Height of Vowel

Backness Code
Close c
Near-close c'
Close-mid cm
Mid m
Open-mid om
Near-open o'
Open o


Symbol Name Code
◌̚ No audible release (Applosive) ^app
◌̥ Voiceless v-
◌̬ Voiced v+
◌̹ More rounded r+
◌̜ Less rounded r-
◌̟ Advanced (Fronted) f+
◌̠ Retracted (Backed) f-
◌̈ Centralized c+
◌̽ Mid-centralized mc+
◌̩ Syllabic s+
◌̯ Non-syllabic s-
◌˞ Rhoticity +r
◌̤ Breathy voiced ^gfv
◌̰ Creaky voiced cv+
◌̼ Linguolabial (-)
◌̴ Velarized or pharyngealized ^vfv or ^hfv
◌̝ Raised h+
◌̞ Lowered h-
◌̘ Advanced Tongue Root t+
◌̙ Retracted Tongue Root t-
◌̪ Dental d+
◌̺ Apical a+
◌̻ Laminal l+
◌̃ Nasalized n+
◌͡◌ or ◌͜◌ Tie Bar +


  1. Linguolabial is counted as a place of articulation