Command line tools for using the dedupe python library for deduplicating CSV files.
Two easy commands:
- takes a messy input file or STDIN pipe and identifies duplicates.
- takes two CSV files and finds matches between them.
Read more about csvdedupe on OpenNews Source
pip install csvdedupe
takes a messy input file or STDIN pipe and identifies duplicates. To get started, pick one of three deduping strategies: call csvdedupe
with arguments, pipe your file using UNIX, or define a config file.
Provide an input file, field names, and output file:
csvdedupe examples/csv_example_messy_input.csv \
--field_names "Site name" Address Zip Phone \
--output_file output.csv
Pipe it, UNIX style:
cat examples/csv_example_messy_input.csv | csvdedupe --skip_training \
--field_names "Site name" Address Zip Phone > output.csv
Define everything in a config file:
csvdedupe examples/csv_example_messy_input.csv \
Your config file may look like this:
"field_names": ["Site name", "Address", "Zip", "Phone"],
"field_definitions" : [{"field" : "Site name", "type" : "String"},
{"field" : "Address", "type" : "String"},
{"field" : "Zip", "type" : "String",
"Has Missing" : true},
{"field" : "Phone", "type" : "String",
"Has Missing" : true}],
"output_file": "examples/output.csv",
"skip_training": false,
"training_file": "training.json",
"sample_size": 150000,
"recall_weight": 2
a CSV file name or piped CSV file to deduplicate
Path to configuration file.
List of column names for dedupe to pay attention to
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE
CSV file to store deduplication results (default: None)--destructive
Output file will contain unique records only--skip_training
Skip labeling examples by user and read training from training_file only (default: False)--training_file TRAINING_FILE
Path to a new or existing file consisting of labeled training examples (default: training.json)--sample_size SAMPLE_SIZE
Number of random sample pairs to train off of (default: 150000)--recall_weight RECALL_WEIGHT
Threshold that will maximize a weighted average of our precision and recall (default: 2)-h
show help message and exit
takes two CSV files and finds matches between them.
Provide an input file, field names, and output file:
csvlink examples/restaurant-1.csv examples/restaurant-2.csv \
--field_names name address city cuisine \
--output_file output.csv
Line up different field names from each file:
csvlink examples/restaurant-1.csv examples/restaurant-2.csv \
--field_names_1 name address city cuisine \
--field_names_2 restaurant street city type \
--output_file output.csv
Pipe the output to STDOUT:
csvlink examples/restaurant-1.csv examples/restaurant-2.csv \
--field_names name address city cuisine \
> output.csv
Define everything in a config file:
csvlink examples/restaurant-1.csv examples/restaurant-2.csv \
Your config file may look like this:
"field_names_1": ["name", "address", "city", "cuisine"],
"field_names_2": ["restaurant", "street", "city", "type"],
"field_definitions" : [{"field" : "name", "type" : "String"},
{"field" : "address", "type" : "String"},
{"field" : "city", "type" : "String",
"Has Missing" : true},
{"field" : "cuisine", "type" : "String",
"Has Missing" : true}],
"output_file": "examples/output.csv",
"skip_training": false,
"training_file": "training.json",
"sample_size": 150000,
"recall_weight": 2
two CSV file names to join together
Path to configuration file.
List of column names in first file for dedupe to pay attention to--field_names_2
List of column names in second file for dedupe to pay attention to
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE
CSV file to store deduplication results (default: None)--inner_join
Only return matches between datasets--skip_training
Skip labeling examples by user and read training from training_file only (default: False)--training_file TRAINING_FILE
Path to a new or existing file consisting of labeled training examples (default: training.json)--sample_size SAMPLE_SIZE
Number of random sample pairs to train off of (default: 150000)--recall_weight RECALL_WEIGHT
Threshold that will maximize a weighted average of our precision and recall (default: 2)-h
show help message and exit
The secret sauce of csvdedupe is human input. In order to figure out the best rules to deduplicate a set of data, you must give it a set of labeled examples to learn from.
The more labeled examples you give it, the better the deduplication results will be. At minimum, you should try to provide 10 positive matches and 10 negative matches.
The results of your training will be saved in a JSON file ( training.json, unless specified otherwise with the --training-file
option) for future runs of csvdedupe.
Here's an example labeling operation:
Phone : 2850617
Address : 3801 s. wabash
Zip :
Site name : ada s. mckinley st. thomas cdc
Phone : 2850617
Address : 3801 s wabash ave
Zip :
Site name : ada s. mckinley community services - mckinley - st. thomas
Do these records refer to the same thing?
(y)es / (n)o / (u)nsure / (f)inished
attempts to identify all the rows in the csv that refer to the same thing. Each group of
such records are called a cluster. csvdedupe
returns your input file with an additional column called Cluster ID
that either is the numeric id (zero-indexed) of a cluster of grouped records or an x
if csvdedupe believes
the record doesn't belong to any cluster.
operates in much the same way as csvdedupe
, but will flatten both CSVs in to one
output file similar to a SQL OUTER JOIN statement. You can use the --inner_join
flag to exclude rows that don't match across the two input files, much like an INNER JOIN.
csvdedupe attempts to convert all strings to ASCII, ignores case, new lines, and padding whitespace. This is all probably uncontroversial except the conversion to ASCII. Basically, we had to choose between two ways of handling extended characters.
distance("Tomas", "Tomás') = distance("Tomas", "Tomas")
distance("Tomas, "Tomás") = distance("Tomas", "Tomzs")
We chose the first option. While it is possible to do something more sophisticated, this option seems to work pretty well for Latin alphabet languages.
Unit tests of core csvdedupe functions
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
- Dedupe Google group
- IRC channel, #dedupe on
Lets say we have a few sources of early childhood programs in Chicago and we'd like to get a canonical list.
Let's do it with csvdedupe
, csvkit
, and some other common command line tools.
Our first task will be to align the files and have the same data in the same columns for stacking.
First, let's look at the headers of the files.
File 1
> head -1 CPS_Early_Childhood_Portal_Scrape.csv
"Site name","Address","Phone","Program Name","Length of Day"
File 2
> head -1 IDHS_child_care_provider_list.csv
"Site name","Address","Zip Code","Phone","Fax","IDHS Provider ID"
So, we'll have to add "Zip Code", "Fax", and "IDHS Provider ID"
to CPS_Early_Childhood_Portal_Scrape.csv
, and we'll have to add "Program Name",
"Length of Day" to IDHS_child_care_provider_list.csv
> cd examples
> sed '1 s/$/,"Zip Code","Fax","IDHS Provider ID"/' CPS_Early_Childhood_Portal_Scrape.csv > input_1a.csv
> sed '2,$s/$/,,,/' input_1a.csv > input_1b.csv
> sed '1 s/$/,"Program Name","Length of Day"/' IDHS_child_care_provider_list.csv > input_2a.csv
> sed '2,$s/$/,,/' input_2a.csv > input_2b.csv
Now, we reorder the columns in the second file to align to the first.
> csvcut -c "Site name","Address","Phone","Program Name","Length of Day","Zip Code","Fax","IDHS Provider ID" \
input_2b.csv > input_2c.csv
And we are finally ready to stack.
> csvstack -g CPS_Early_Childhood_Portal_Scrape.csv,IDHS_child_care_provider_list.csv \
-n source \
input_1b.csv input_2c.csv > input.csv
And now we can dedupe
> cat input.csv | csvdedupe --field_names "Site name" Address "Zip Code" Phone > output.csv
Let's sort the output by duplicate IDs, and we are ready to open it in your favorite spreadsheet program.
> csvsort -c "Cluster ID" output.csv > sorted.csv
If something is not behaving intuitively, it is a bug, and should be reported. Report it here.
We welcome your ideas! You can make suggestions in the form of github issues (bug reports, feature requests, general questions), or you can submit a code contribution via a pull request.
How to contribute code:
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Send us a pull request with a description of your work! Don't worry if it isn't perfect - think of a PR as a start of a conversation, rather than a finished product.
Copyright (c) 2016 DataMade. Released under the MIT License.