We build an EEG headset which allows the user to send morse code to a computer using their brain wave activity.
- ahanaf019Rajshahi, Bangladesh
- amrith92thegeekmachine
- amrta-coderThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab
- bronzwikgk@shunyadotek
- choko69420
- cicimenhttps://github.com/relateddigital
- cj-praveenIndia
- cycopro
- dev-Roshan-labDr. Ding
- dgsakelliadou
- einelsondentsu
- gnuns@callixbrasil
- Green-SalarCanada
- hackayanIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- jayichUC Santa Barbara
- joaohallIFB - Instituto Federal de BrasĂlia
- layofthenoneInonu University Med Student
- Leodom01Amsterdam, Netherlands
- mananchawla2005India
- mh1300
- miketsukermanMOIA
- oytunerdd
- PentaCarlosMexicali, Baja California, Mexico
- qw576483
- Raynor-X
- s3nh
- SaptakBhoumik@peregrine-lang
- sbuechele
- shuirugeNULL
- skyserge
- ThanUndone
- tseliang2000
- ttarnowskiTomaszTarnowski.com Ltd
- vokom
- WanghleyDuke University
- yuewu0526