
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


json-data-generator helps you build json data that you need for test data purposes. It has a lot of nice features that you can use to build as much test data as you need.


Add a dependency to com.github.vincentrussell:json-data-generator.



  • JDK 1.7 or higher
  • Apache Maven 3.1.0 or higher

Running it from Java

JsonDataGeneratorImpl parser = new JsonDataGeneratorImpl();
parser.generateTestDataJson(String text, OutputStream outputStream);


JsonDataGeneratorImpl parser = new JsonDataGeneratorImpl();
parser.generateTestDataJson(URL classPathResource, OutputStream outputStream);


JsonDataGeneratorImpl parser = new JsonDataGeneratorImpl();
parser.generateTestDataJson(File file, OutputStream outputStream);


JsonDataGeneratorImpl parser = new JsonDataGeneratorImpl();
parser.generateTestDataJson(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream);

Running it as a standalone jar

java -jar json-data-generator-1.5-standalone.jar -s source.json -d destination.json


usage: [-s <arg>] [-d
       <arg>] [-f <arg>] [-i] [-t <arg>]
 -s,--sourceFile <arg>        the source file.
 -d,--destinationFile <arg>   the destination file.  Defaults to
 -f,--functionClasses <arg>   additional function classes that are on the
                              classpath and should be loaded
 -i,--interactiveMode         interactive mode
 -t,--timeZone <arg>          default time zone to use when dealing with dates


    "id": "{{uuid()}}",
    "name": "A green door",
    "age": {{integer(1,50)}},
    "price": 12.50,
    "tags": ["home", "green"]

###Repeats You can repeat sections of json to make repeating json objects.

For instance you can do repeats like this:

        "id": "{{uuid()}}",
        "name": "Test",
        "attributes": [
                "shirt": "{{random("red","yellow","green")}}",
                "pants": "{{random("blue","black","orange")}}"


You can also get a random repeat within a range like this:


##Available functions

You can do a lot of cool functions in your puesdo json that that help you randomize your test data.

random integer in range:


random float in range (with optional format):


random double in range:


random long in range:




hex (16 bytes):


hex (with byte size):


objectId (12 byte hex string):


random boolean:


random boolean with given probability:


an incrementing index integer


a named incrementing index integer


an incrementing index integer with a specific starting point


an incrementing index integer with a name and a specific starting point


lorem ipsum words:


lorem ipsum paragraphs:


random phone number:


random gender (male or female):


current date date:


current date with format:


random date between two dates with format (your input must be in this format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss):


random date between two dates with default format (your input must be in this format EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z):


current timestamp (milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC):


random timestamp (milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC) between two dates with default format (your input must be in this format EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z):


random country:


a json mapping with all country codes to mappings:


a json mapping with just specified country codes to mappings:

{"IN":"India","US":"United States","UK":"United Kingdom"}

{{countryList("IN", "US", "UK")}}

random city:


random state:


random company:


random lastname:


random first name:


random username based on first initial from rnadom first name and lastname lowercased:


random email:


random email with domain:


random social security number:


random ipv4:


random ipv6:


random ipv6 (uppercase):


random ipv6 (lowercase):


concat (var arg):



{{substring("long word", 1, 6)}}

random item from list:


random string with alphabetic characters (defaults to between 10 and 20 characters):


random string with alpha-numeric characters (defaults to between 10 and 20 characters):


lower case a string:


upper case a string:


##Escape braces

If you want to escape braces from within a function use a single escape character as seen in the example below:

{{concat("\{", "test", "\}")}}

##XML support

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      {{lorem(1, "words")}}
        <name>{{firstName()}} {{surname()}}</name>

##Nesting functions

jason-data-generator supports nesting functions as well.

For example, if you wanted to create results that looked like dollar amounts you could do something like:

{{concat("$",float(0.90310, 5.3421, "%.2f"))}}

or something like this if you wanted a capitalized F or M:


##Creating Custom Functions

You can also create new functions if you create the classes and register the function with the function registry.

-When you create Functions you must annotate the class with the @Function annotation and you must specify one or more names for the function. -Use the @FunctionInvocation annotation to indicate the method that will be executed when the function is called. The arguments of the function must be strings (or a Vararg String argument) and the method must return a string.

package my.package;

import com.github.vincentrussell.json.datagenerator.functions.Function;
import com.github.vincentrussell.json.datagenerator.functions.FunctionInvocation;

import java.util.Random;

@Function(name = "new-function")
public class NewFunction {

    private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();

    public String getRandomInteger(String min, String max) {
        return getRandomInteger(Integer.parseInt(min), Integer.parseInt(max));

    private String getRandomInteger(Integer min, Integer max) {
        int randomNumber = RANDOM.nextInt(max - min) + min;
        return Integer.toString(randomNumber);

then you can put the jar that you have created on the classpath with the the standalone jar (-f registers one or more classes with the Function Registry):

java -cp json-data-generator-1.5-standalone.jar:yourfunctions.jar com.github.vincentrussell.json.datagenerator.CLIMain -s source.json -d destination.json -f my.package.NewFunction

Change Log

1.5 (2018-07-31)


  • Adding boolean with probability support
  • Adding the ability to provide a domain to the email function
  • Added the ability to escape brackets within functions so that the interperter can understand that the function and wont return early
  • Added a hex function
  • Added a countryList function

1.4.1 (2018-07-15)


  • Added check for invalid scenarios to avoid going in infinite loop

1.4 (2018-06-25)


  • Created username function
  • Added XML support

Change Log

1.3 (2017-02-04)


  • Changed index function to be based on a String key not it's level of nesting to reduce complexity
  • Changed index function to allow for an integer to start at.

Change Log

1.2 (2016-04-10)


  • Standalone interactive mode
  • The ability to specify a timezone in standalone mode
  • New timestamp function
  • New alpha function
  • New alphaNumeric function

1.1 (2016-03-20)


  • Repeats can be randomized between a range of two integers
  • Multiple names can be used in the @Function annotation provide multiple functions in the json mapping to the same name
  • Created objectId (12 byte hex string) function


  • Floating point numbers can be parsed and used in fuctions
  • Repeats can be used with functions surrounded in strings, like '{{lorem(1, "words")}}'