User authentication/sessions/etc for Actix-Web. More of a sample project than a crate, but probably useful to some people.
- acadeauShine
- alexeyzabTX
- andreis
- ansrivasGermany
- antoine-deCodeurs en Liberté
- asaaki@markentier
- bitemyapp
- bokuwebJapan
- bschwindTokyo, Japan
- csaf4370
- CYBAITokyo
- dhbradshawHarvest Alabama
- DowwieNew Jersey
- fivebillionmph
- gabrieltaylorRitual
- greyblake@impero-com
- hwchenSomerville, MA, USA
- icew4ll
- killercup@technocreatives
- lawrencedark@shadowshows
- mattsseMunich, Germany
- msmakhlouf@roninae
- NeopalliumGuangzhou, China
- pythoneer@enigo-rs @redox-os
- RaytltyXidian University
- rayyeeLees Robots Technology
- rhamorimBrazil
- ROki1988Japan
- scrogson@royal-markets
- theredfish@indiedevcasts
- tmstieffBaltimore, MD
- toksdotdev@cloudflare
- ur5usUnfolding Web
- vishalsodaniMumbai
- wayofthepie
- xmonader@threefoldtech