
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Remix Railway Template

Bare bones template for deploying a Remix app via Railway. Learn more about Remix Templates

What's in the template?

Setup options

  1. Clone via create-remix cli:

    npx create-remix@latest --template https://github.com/ryanmichaelhirst/remix-railway my-app --package-manager pnpm
  2. You can also clone this repository directly, and run the remix.init script manually.

    # clone repo
    git clone https://github.com/ryanmichaelhirst/remix-railway my-app
    cd my-app
    # run remix init
    npx remix init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initialize project"


  • Install all dependencies

    pnpm install

    Note: Replace pnpm with your package manager i.e. npm, yarn, etc

  • Start the Postgres Database in Docker

    pnpm docker

    Note: The pnpm script will complete while Docker sets up the container in the background. Ensure that Docker has finished and your container is running before proceeding.

  • Initial setup

    pnpm run setup

    Note: This will generate the prisma client, apply db migrations and seed your local postgres db

  • Run the first build

    pnpm build
  • Start dev server

    pnpm dev

    Note: This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.


Payments are powered through Stripe and recorded through a webhook at /app/routes/stripe.event

Note: Because of a bug in linuxbrew, Windows users will need to use Cloudflare Tunnels or a similar alternative to test stripe webhooks locally.

For Mac Users, install the Stripe CLI here, and forward events to your local webhook during testing with

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/stripe/event

Read more about stripe testing here

Use card details 4242 4242 4242 4242, 12/34, 123

Alternatively, you can use Cloudflare Tunnels to receive webhooks events locally.

Cloudflare Tunnels

You can expose your localhost server (pnpm dev) as a publicaly routable IP address with ssh tunneling

Full instructions here

Install with homebrew

brew install cloudflared

Login using cli

cloudflared tunnel login

Create a tunnel

cloudflared tunnel create <NAME>

Update config file with your creds

cp cloudflare.yaml.sample cloudflare.yaml

Route traffic to tunnel

cloudflared tunnel route dns <UUID or NAME> <hostname>


cloudflared tunnel route dns 71b2ae8b-6e25-4435-b6c0-1d80490552a1 dev.example.com

Expose the dev server

cloudflared tunnel run <UUID or NAME> // or
pnpm tunnel

If you are using cloudflare this has already been done for you.

If using a different domain registar you will need to follow the guide here


Note: Before deploying your app, you will need to first create a postgres service on railway. https://docs.railway.app/guides/postgresql

Railway UI

Production deployments are done via Railway, a platform that will handle all the CI/CD operations for you. Railway will look for a /Dockerfile to build the app. Learn more about Railway Dockerfiles.

Prior to your first deployment, you'll need to do the following:

  • Create Railway Account

    Note: Creating an account via Github is recommended.

  • Click New Project on Railway to house your app

  • Click + New -> Database -> Add PostgreSQL to create a service for your postgres db

    Note: After the postgres service has been created, copy the value for Variables -> DATABASE_URL

  • Click Deploy from GitHub repo and select this repo to create a service for your web app

  • Create an env var DATABASE_URL using the copied value from the postgres service

Note: You can also deploy manually on https://railway.app. You will still need to manually create an env var DATABASE_URL

Railway CLI

  • Install cli
  • Authenticate via cli:
    railway login
  • Create new project
    railway init
  • Connect to new project
    railway link
  • Deploy app
    railway up


Railway will automatically deploy any commits that are made to the main branch. You can also Configure the GitHub branch for deployment triggers.


No testing framework is added via this template.

Type Checking

This project uses TypeScript. To run type checking across the whole project, run pnpm typecheck.


This project uses ESLint for linting. You can customize in .eslintrc.js.


Prettier handles all auto-formatting. It's recommended to install an editor plugin (like the VSCode Prettier plugin) to get auto-formatting on save. To format all files manually run pnpm format.