
Play BVE Train Simulator with Camera

Primary LanguagePython


Youtube explanation vid 👇
youtube thumbnail vid
Play BVE Train Simulator with camera
Inspired by : https://youtu.be/HgFxFOzxCPk

I use BVE 5. I don't know this program can be use in another version or not


There some Python libraries I use :

  • opencv
  • pyautogui
  • cvzone (You must install mediapipe and opencv first)
pip install opencv pyautogui mediapipe cvzone

BVE Settings

Preferences... > Input Devices > Key assignments...


Based on BVE settings, you can use :

  • Clench : Neutral

- Pointing ahead : Move reverser Forward // Ubah reverser ke "Maju"

- Pointing backward (with thumb) : Move reverser Backward // Ubah reverser ke "Mundur"

- Index up : Reduce Power // Kurangi Tenaga

- Index with Middle : Increase Power // Tambah Tenaga

- Index, Middle, and Ring : Reduce Brake // Kurangi Rem

- Index, Middle, Ring, and Little : Increase Brake // Tambah Rem

- Splayed hand : Emergency Brake // Rem Darurat

- "Call" : Horn // Klakson

You must move fast if you just want to move one step e.g. brake
Harus gercep kalau hanya ingin bergerak satu langkah, misal rem