
Array's reduce for all iterable and enumerable objects

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Array's reduce for all iterable and enumerable objects


Download the CJS, ESM, UMD versions or install via NPM:

npm install @ryanmorr/reduce


Choose the reduce function to iterate from left-to-right or the reduceRight function to iterate right-to-left. Provide the iterable/enumerable object as the first argument, the initial value as the second argument, and the reducer function as the third argument:

import { reduce, reduceRight } from '@ryanmorr/reduce';

// Supports arrays obviously
const array = ['1', '2', '3'];
const arrayValue = reduce(array, '', (accumulator, value, index, object) => {
    return accumulator + value;
console.log(arrayValue); // => "123"

// Supports iterables like maps, sets, nodelists, etc.
const set = new Set(['1', '2', '3']);
const setValue = reduce(set, '', (accumulator, value, index, object) => {
    return accumulator + value;
console.log(setValue); // => "123"

// Supports enumerable key/value objects
const object = {a: '1', b: '2', c: '3'};
const objectValue = reduceRight(object, '', (accumulator, [key, value], index, object) => {
    return accumulator + value;
console.log(objectValue); // => "321"


This project is dedicated to the public domain as described by the Unlicense.