
Keeps docker-desktop for Ubuntu from staying in a corrupted / semi-crashed state.


  • zx
  • axios
  • node
  • ubuntu / systemctl

how it works

My docker-desktop runs pihole among other things, but for whatever reason, docker-desktop on Ubuntu 22.04 is fairly unstable. This script will check if docker-desktop has stopped responding. If it has, it will try to restart it.


Using userland crontab -e, we can set this zx script to regularly run and fix docker if it breaks.

*/1 * * * * DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH=/home/ryan/services/docker-liveness/.env DOTENV_CONFIG_DEBUG=true /home/ryan/services/docker-liveness/index.js >> /home/ryan/services/docker-liveness/script.log 2>&1


Make your .env file with appropriate values: