
A Babel macro to conditionally import something based on environmental variables.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Babel macro to conditionally import something based on environmental variables.

Why is this a macro?

This prevents the import from ever being part of the application code if the environmental variable is not set at build time.

Perfect for environmental specific configuration that has side effects.

This prevents things like mocks, development settings, whatever... from ever getting into built application code.

This was specifically created for msw but has a lot of other applications.


npm install --save-dev perenv.macro


yarn add --dev perenv.macro


Once you've configured babel-plugin-macros you can import perenv.macro.


String Signature

loadPerEnv(path, envar, ?value)
Argument Description
path Node resolveable path to import (relative path or package name)
envar The environmental variable to inspect
value (optional) Conditionally load the import if the envar is equal to this value

Object Signature

loadPerEnv({path, identifier}, envar, ?value)
Argument Description
path Node resolveable path to import (relative path or package name)
identifier Identifier to use if imported (You probably want to use loadPerEnvMap instead of this)
envar The environmental variable to inspect
value (optional) Conditionally load the import if the envar is equal to this value


If the environmental variable ENABLE_MY_CONFIGURATION is set loadPerEnv will transpile like this


import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv('./a_configuration_file.js', 'ENABLE_MY_CONFIGURATION');


import "./a_configuration_file.js";

if it is not set it will transpile like this


import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv('./a_configuration_file.js', 'ENABLE_MY_CONFIGURATION');


// Intentionally blank

You can also conditionally load something based on the value of the environmental variable.

// export NODE_ENV=dev
import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv('./config_dev.js', 'NODE_ENV', "dev");
loadPerEnv('./config_prod.js', 'NODE_ENV', "production");


import "./config_dev.js";

If you want to use the exports of a file, you can use an object as the first argument

// export NODE_ENV=dev

import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv({path: './feature.js', identifier: 'feature'}, 'NODE_ENV', "dev");


import * as feature from "./feature.js";



loadPerEnvMap(map, envar, ?nullable = false)
Argument Description
map A key-value map representing what is to be imported based on the value of the envar
envar The environmental variable to inspect
nullable (optional) It is safe to return null if value is not found in map


Allows you to use a map of different imports based on the value of your envars

// export NODE_ENV=production

import { loadPerEnvMap } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnvMap({dev: './new_feature.js', production: './feature.js'}, 'NODE_ENV');


import "./feature.js";

Use an assignment to declare the import namespace, handy to keep linters quiet

// export NODE_ENV=production

import { loadPerEnvMap } from "./perEnv.macro";
const feature = loadPerEnvMap({dev: './new_feature.js', production: './feature.js'}, 'NODE_ENV');


import * as feature from "./feature.js";

Enable the nullable flag to allow for cases where the envar value may not be in the map.

// export NODE_ENV=CI
// or
// unset NODE_ENV

import { loadPerEnvMap } from "./perEnv.macro";
const feature = loadPerEnvMap({dev: './new_feature.js', production: './feature.js'}, 'NODE_ENV', true);


const feature = null

Or in the case that no assignment is made

// export NODE_ENV=CI
// or
// unset NODE_ENV

import { loadPerEnvMap } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnvMap({dev: './new_feature.js', production: './feature.js'}, 'NODE_ENV', true);


// Intentionally blank

Use Cases

Enable msw in testing environments without adding it to source at build time

// index.js
import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv('mocks.js', 'ENABLE_MOCKS');

Mock window objects that will be available in a deployment environment, but not as part of a micro-frontend project

// index.js
import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv('mocks.js', 'ISOLATED_MICROFRONTEND');

// mocks.js

window.globalStore = {
    // a mock implementation

Prevent polyfills during development

// index.js
import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv('polyfills.js', 'NODE_ENV', 'production');

Feature flags at build time

// index.js
import { loadPerEnv } from "./perEnv.macro";
loadPerEnv({path: 'new_feature.js', identifier: 'feature'}, 'FEATURE_FLAG_X', 'enabled');
loadPerEnv({path: 'old_feature.js', identifier: 'feature'}, 'FEATURE_FLAG_X', 'disabled');

Special thanks