This guide was created to help with the frequent Reddit posts asking how to get into developing iOS tweaks. A common misconception is that a full knowledge of Objective-C is needed to create tweaks. Whether you have any programming experience or not, I will try to step through the process from zero knowledge to creating your first tweak. I have decided to break this into chapters, from installing a text editor, to building a full tweak to be uploaded to a repo. This guide will be updated to add new topics, and is assuming you are using a computer to write tweaks, although the methods should work for writing tweaks on iOS. This is focused on Mac and Linux installations, if you are using Windows I suggest using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- A text editor
- A Theos installation
- A jailbroken iOS device
Chapter 1: Installing Theos & Configuring your environment
Chapter 2: Creating your first tweak
If you feel something should be changed or added to this guide, create a pull request.
This project wouldn't be possible without the help from @2Klasic who kickstarted my tweak development by setting up my first repo, definitely give him a follow.
I can be reached at the following, and am always open to answering any questions about tweak development or jailbreak in general.
This guide took a long time to plan and create. If you want to support otherwise, here is my PayPal or by grabbing a copy of my tweak Lynx from Twickd Repo