
Simple python+matplotlib gui viewer for 3d volumetric data in multiple orientations supporting many of the file formats I tend to use in research projects

Primary LanguagePython

PyViz - Data Visualization

PyViz grew out of a necessity to be able to easily view volumetric image data common to CT/MRI scans in the medical field. This project is implemented in python using matplotlib for image rendering. It is a simple slice-by-slice viewer that supports re-orienting the view into the 3 orthogonal cartesian planes, referred to as axial, coronal, and sagittal by the medical community.

This project currently supports the following types of data:

  • raw/bin - linear packing of float/double data, assumed to be in C-major ordering (z-index: slowest, x-index: fastest)
  • npy/npz - currently supports automatic unpacking of the first array in the .npz file. Future versions will allow selection of other arrays
  • dicom - either as a single dicom slice (.dcm file) or as a directory containing all slices in a series. (required: pydicom, pymedimage)

The functionality can be easily extended for other proprietary formats as well.




Open a terminal window and enter:

pip3 install git+git://github.com/ryanneph/PyViz.git#egg=PyViz


Open a terminal window and enter:

pip3 install --upgrade git+git://github.com/ryanneph/PyViz.git#egg=PyViz


Open a terminal window and enter:

git clone https://github.com/ryanneph/PyViz.git
cd PyViz
pip3 install -e --process-dependency-links .


PyViz can be run directly by opening a terminal and running:

cd PyViz
python3 pyviz/gui.py

or can be run from any location after installation by opening a terminal and running:

  • Select a directory which will be recursively searched for .bin/.raw/.dcm files
  • For dicom files, simply select from the list and the array size will be automatically detected
  • To open a dicom series (stack of 2D slices), navigate to the parent of the directory containing the .dcm files and select the containing directory from the list in the gui window.
  • For raw/bin files, first enter the X, Y, Z array sizes into the text fields below the list, then select the file

Please open an issue describing a problem or contact Ryan Neph at neph320@gmail.com to get involved.