
Starter code for a Slack Bot.

Primary LanguagePython

CS 152 - Trust and Safety Engineering

Discord Bot Framework Code

This is the base framework for students to complete Milestone 2 of the CS 152 final project. Please follow the instructions you were provided to fork this repository into your own repository and make all of your additions there.

Install libraries

python3 -m pip install requests
python3 -m pip install discord.py
python3 -m pip install alt-profanity-check
python3 -m pip install scipy
python3 -m pip install editdistance
python3 -m pip install openai
python3 -m pip install argparse

If there are errors from scipy, try uninstall it first python3 -m pip uninstall scipy and then reinstall python3 -m pip install scipy.

Run the Discord bot by

python3 bot.py

Run the Discord bot with OpenAI detection

python3 bot.py --openai=true

Run the Discord bot with OpenAI detection and debugging mode

python3 bot.py --openai=true --debug=true

Example for using formatter library:

>>> import formatter
>>> dict = {'A': 5, 'B': "3", 'C': "DD"}
>>> str = formatter.format_dict_to_str(dict)
>>> str
'`A`: 5\n`B`: 3\n`C`: DD\n'
>>> formatter.unformat_str_to_dict(str)
OrderedDict([('A', '5'), ('B', '3'), ('C', 'DD')])

Current implementated functions:

  1. Basic user reporting flow. Follow Milestone 2 guidelines to test on Discord.
  2. Automatically detects offensive messages by using profanity-check library.
  3. Automatically detects offensive messages by using OpenAI. Detect for 9 different abusive categories and rate in scale 1-5 (from negligible to severe)
  4. 2 adversarial strategies:
    • After message is edited, detects the offensive contents again.
  5. User reports go to mod channel. Example message: