
PHP survey & reporting app (July 2003)

Primary LanguagePHP

Web Based Course Evaluation System (WCES)

CVS repository: https://russ.yanofsky.org/viewvc.py/wces

WCES is a project of the Columbia University School of Engineering. It's a web site that lets administrators and professors create customized online surveys about courses and see reports showing survey results. The site originally started as a project for a software engineering class by a group of students I didn't know. But it was picked up and used by the engineering school, which hired me in Fall 2000 to work on it part-time. Over time, I added many new features and reimplemented most of the preexisting functionality to make the system more flexible. At this point almost all of the code is my own, though I can't take credit for most of the graphics and text on the site, and I also had a lot of help dealing with unix administration / server maintenance issues that came up during development.

The site is mostly implemented in PHP, but there's also a big chunk of core logic written in procedural SQL. And there are a number of smaller components written in other languages, including 2 C++ Postgres extensions, a mini web- crawler written in Delphi, and a COM authentication component written in Visual C++ with ATL.

Since this is one of the biggest projects I've worked on, I've put up a demonstration copy of the site at https://wces.russ.yanofsky.org/.