
Lab Exercise using Node.js and Watson Personality Insights

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bluemix Watson Personality Insights Lab

See what Watson has to say about you!

Get Started

  1. Clone or Download the zip file of this git repository.

  2. Push your app to Bluemix

    1. Download the Cloud Foundry CLI to interact with Bluemix from a terminal
      1. Direct Links: Mac Windows
    2. Open your terminal and cd to the root of your local repository's directory (Where app.js is)
    3. Run the following commands:
    # Set Bluemix as your Cloud Foundry CLI target
    $ cf api api.ng.bluemix.net  
    # Use your Bluemix credentials to login and target an org/space
    $ cf login                   
    # Create your Watson Personality Insights service
    $ cf create-service personality_insights lite personality-insights-tutorial
    # Push your application to Bluemix
    $ cf push                    

You've just deployed your application! The manifest.yml will take care of all the extra options. When your app is done the url will show in the logs

That's it!

Your application is now up and running in the public cloud! Go to the Bluemix application URL and write a 100 word bio about your self and click Ask Watson!