One Paragraph of project description goes here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the app to the respective app stores.
In order to get this project running locally, please make sure you ahve followed the "React Native CLI Quickstart" in the React Native "Getting Started" guide.
To get the app running locally, please follow these steps:
- From the root, install the JavaScript dependencies:
yarn install
- Install the iOS dependencies:
cd ios && pod install
- Start the app on iOS by running:
yarn ios
- Start the app on Android by running (make sure you have a device running on the emulator):
yarn android
If all worked correctly, you should have the app running on both the iOS and Android simulators.
Mobile applications should be developed with accessbility in mind. Some simple steps to take include adding accessbility labels and roles to elements within your screens. Some convience features have been added to the Styled Text and Button component to ensure the ease of use.
We use jest
for testing business logic and functions. To run the test suites, run:
yarn test
End to End (E2E) tests are for full integration tests, clicks, screen elements, etc. For this we use Detox
To run tests you must have the applesimutils installed per the Getting Started on Detox. Tests can be run locally for iOS and Android with the following commands:
yarn e2e:ios-debug
yarn e2e:ios
yarn e2e:android-debug
yarn e2e:android
Each of these will test the platform in either release or debug mode as specified.
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
- React Native - The mobile framework used
- TypeScript - Static typing
- styled-system - the system we levarage for styling components
- Emotion - CSS-in-JS (used with