AWX Operator

An Ansible AWX operator for Kubernetes built with Operator SDK and Ansible.


This operator is meant to provide a more Kubernetes-native installation method for AWX via an AWX Custom Resource Definition (CRD).

Note that the operator is not supported by Red Hat, and is in alpha status. For now, use it at your own risk!


This Kubernetes Operator is meant to be deployed in your Kubernetes cluster(s) and can manage one or more AWX instances in any namespace.

First you need to deploy AWX Operator into your cluster:

kubectl apply -f

Then you can create instances of AWX, for example:

  1. Make sure the namespace you're deploying into already exists (e.g. kubectl create namespace ansible-awx).

  2. Create a file named my-awx.yml with the following contents:

    kind: AWX
      name: awx
      namespace: ansible-awx
      tower_admin_user: test
      tower_admin_password: changeme
      tower_broadcast_websocket_secret: changeme
  3. Use kubectl to create the awx instance in your cluster:

    kubectl apply -f my-awx.yml

After a few minutes, your new AWX instance will be accessible at (assuming your cluster has an Ingress controller configured). Log in using the tower_admin_ credentials configured in the spec.

Deploying a specific version of AWX

To achieve this, please add the following variable under spec within your CR (Custom Resource) file:

  tower_image: ansible/awx:15.0.0 # replace this with desired image

You may also override any default variables from roles/awx/defaults/main.yml using the same process, i.e. by adding those variables within your CR spec.

Ingress Types

Depending on the cluster that you're running on, you may wish to use an Ingress to access AWX, or you may wish to use a Route to access your AWX. To toggle between these two options, you can add the following to your AWX CR:

  tower_ingress_type: Route


  tower_ingress_type: Ingress

By default, no ingress/route is deployed as the default is set to none.

Privileged Tasks

Depending on the type of tasks that you'll be running, you may find that you need the task pod to run as privileged. This can open yourself up to a variety of security concerns, so you should be aware (and verify that you have the privileges) to do this if necessary. In order to toggle this feature, you can add the following to your custom resource:

  tower_task_privileged: true

If you are attempting to do this on an OpenShift cluster, you will need to grant the awx ServiceAccount the privileged SCC, which can be done with:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z awx

Again, this is the most relaxed SCC that is provided by OpenShift, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the security concerns that accompany this action.

Connecting to an external Postgres Service

When the Operator installs the AWX services and generates a Postgres deployment it will lay down a config file to enable AWX to connect to that service. To use an external database you just need to create a Secret that the AWX deployment will use instead and then set a property in the CR:

  external_database: true

The secret should have the name: crname-postgres-configuration and should look like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: <crname>-postgres-configuration
  namespace: <target namespace>
  host: <external ip or url resolvable by the cluster>
  port: <external port, this usually defaults to 5432>
  database: <desired database name>
  username: <username to connect as>
  password: <password to connect with>
type: Opaque

Persistent storage for Postgres

If you need to use a specific storage class for Postgres' storage, specify tower_postgres_storage_class in your AWX spec:

  tower_postgres_storage_class: fast-ssd

If it's not specified, Postgres will store it's data on a volume using the default storage class for your cluster.



This Operator includes a Molecule-based test environment, which can be executed standalone in Docker (e.g. in CI or in a single Docker container anywhere), or inside any kind of Kubernetes cluster (e.g. Minikube).

You need to make sure you have Molecule installed before running the following commands. You can install Molecule with:

pip install 'molecule[docker]'

Running molecule test sets up a clean environment, builds the operator, runs all configured tests on an example operator instance, then tears down the environment (at least in the case of Docker).

If you want to actively develop the operator, use molecule converge, which does everything but tear down the environment at the end.

Testing in Docker (standalone)

molecule test -s test-local

This environment is meant for headless testing (e.g. in a CI environment, or when making smaller changes which don't need to be verified through a web interface). It is difficult to test things like AWX's web UI or to connect other applications on your local machine to the services running inside the cluster, since it is inside a Docker container with no static IP address.

Testing in Minikube

minikube start --memory 8g --cpus 4
minikube addons enable ingress
molecule test -s test-minikube

Minikube is a more full-featured test environment running inside a full VM on your computer, with an assigned IP address. This makes it easier to test things like NodePort services and Ingress from outside the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. in a browser on your computer).

Once the operator is deployed, you can visit the AWX UI in your browser by following these steps:

  1. Make sure you have an entry like IP_ADDRESS example-awx.test in your /etc/hosts file. (Get the IP address with minikube ip.)
  2. Visit http://example-awx.test/ in your browser. (Default admin login is test/changeme.)

Alternatively, you can also update the service awx-service in your namespace to use the type NodePort and use following command to get the URL to access your AWX instance:

minikube service <serviceName> -n <namespaceName> --url

Release Process

There are a few moving parts to this project:

  1. The Docker image which powers AWX Operator.
  2. The awx-operator.yaml Kubernetes manifest file which initially deploys the Operator into a cluster.

Each of these must be appropriately built in preparation for a new tag:

Build a new release of the Operator for Docker Hub

Run the following command inside this directory:

operator-sdk build$VERSION

Then push the generated image to Docker Hub:

docker push$VERSION

Build a new version of the awx-operator.yaml file

Update the awx-operator version:

  • ansible/group_vars/all

Once the version has been updated, run from the root of the repo:

ansible-playbook ansible/chain-operator-files.yml

After it is built, test it on a local cluster:

minikube start --memory 6g --cpus 4
minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl apply -f deploy/awx-operator.yaml
kubectl create namespace example-awx
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/awx_v1beta1_cr.yaml
<test everything>
minikube delete

If everything works, commit the updated version, then tag a new repository release with the same tag as the Docker image pushed earlier.


This operator was originally built in 2019 by Jeff Geerling and is now maintained by the Ansible Team