SRKK Sharepoint webparts

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Go to any SPFX webpart directory. For this example, I'll be using SPFXHeader.

    cd SPFXHeader

  2. Install dependancies.

    npm install

  3. Serve app using Terminal.

    gulp serve --nobrowser

  4. Then use your internet browser to visit your respective online workbench.

    https://<TENANT NAME>.sharepoint.com/sites/<SITEPAGE>/_layouts/15/workbench.aspx

SPFX Migration to LicenseDashboard 2.X.X

  1. Copy code below and replace old codes in axios-license.ts
import axios from "axios";

const instance = axios.create({

export default instance;
  1. Copy code below and replace old checkLicenseActive() method only. In this case, the method can be found in RyanHeader.tsx.
  checkLicenseActive = () => {
    const tenantUrl = this.props.siteCollectionUrl.split("/")[2];
      .then(res => {
        Object.keys(res.data.documents).map(k => {
          //? Object.keys returns an array of object keys
          let obj = res.data.documents[k];
          if (obj.fields.tenant.stringValue === tenantUrl) {
              isLicenseActive: obj.fields.isLicenseActive.stringValue //? This is pretty pointless. It's more prepare for the future if using seperate database for key auth.
        }); //? Extract object to put in array of object
      .catch(error => console.log(error));


  1. Run commands in Terminal
gulp clean
gulp bundle --ship
gulp package-solution --ship
  1. The .sppkg file will appear in your /sharepoint/solution/xxx.sppkg directory