
Python Server

Primary LanguagePython

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This is a python based REST api that ASWWU web uses for EVERYTHING.


Note: This uses python 2 so if you don't have that installed, install it here.

The following python packages (pattern, requests, SQLAlchemy, tornado, bleach, etc.) need to be installed and they can be installed with the following command.


pip install -r requirements.txt


sudo -H pip install -r requirements.txt --ignore-installed six

You should be ready to run the server now.

python server.py

Check Installation

You can test the connection by opening http://localhost:8888/search/all.

If you see a json array of profiles you're all set. Congrats! You now have a clone of the ASWWU backend server running locally!

Further usage

If you want get a list of other endpoints(urls) that you can query on the server checkout the server.py file in the root of this project.

handlers = [
    (r"/login", base.BaseLoginHandler),
    (r"/profile/(.*)/(.*)", mask.ProfileHandler),
    (r"/profile_photo/(.*)/(.*)", mask.ProfilePhotoHandler),
    (r"/search/all", mask.SearchAllHandler),

From this array you can see that the function that handles the /search/all url is part of the mask module. In ./src/aswwu/route_handlers/mask.py you can see the function that handles this.

# get all of the profiles in our database
class SearchAllHandler(BaseHandler):
    def get(self):
        profiles = alchemy.query_all(mask_model.Profile)
        self.write({'results': [p.base_info() for p in profiles]})


We have continuous integration working on this project however it doesn't actually use any of the actual python server code. :( You can run a dummy test by running the following command.



If you need it the live server is available at https://aswwu.com/server/.

Note: If you having trouble with this process please email ryan.rabello@wallawalla.edu.