
Visualizing COVID-19 US data wiith Grafana

Primary LanguageHCL


⚠️ Deprecation Notice

I've stopped hosting this site. You can still run it locally (see below).


There are many great visualizations (Mapbox, New York Times, Tableau) around COVID-19. I wanted to contribute a tool that enables people to visualize the impact of COVID-19 at a state-by-state level.

Data is pulled from New York Times Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. This data is imported into InfluxDB and visualized in Grafana, both running in Docker on EC2.


Contributions are welcome. Here are some features/improvements:

  • Grafana annotations - state reopening, government leader's responses
  • Data normalization - there are lots of factors at play (testing, reporting, suspected vs. confirmed cases and deaths)
  • Map - NY Times data includes FIPS, which can be used to relate this data to a map, such as the worldmap panel for Grafana
  • Auto-update data - NY Times updates every day. Could either add cron to Cloudinit script to pull a few times a day, or use something like Zapier to tell EC2 instance to pull new data
  • InfluxDB tuning - this is running on a t3.small instance. Simultaneous queries will sometimes cause OOM. InfluxDB will restart unless explicitly stopped, but some people may see "No data" in the dashboard until they refresh.

Running it locally

  • docker-compose up - Start InfluxDB and Grafana
  • Clone fabio-miranda/csv-to-influxdb
  • wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nytimes/covid-19-data/master/us-counties.csv - Download latest NY Times
  • python csv-to-influxdb.py -i us-counties.csv --dbname covid-19 --create --timecolumn date --timeformat '%Y-%m-%d' --tagcolumns county,state,fips --fieldcolumns cases,deaths - Import CSV into InfluxDB
  • Visit localhost:3000 in your browser