Laravel Elasticsearch Repository

Repository and services that allow quick, easy, configurable integration between Laravel application and Elasticsearch.


Currently only private access is available:

  • Add the following VCS to your composer repositories array:
	"type": "vcs",
	"url": ""
  • Add the package to your composer require object:

"ryanrobertsname/laravel-elasticsearch-repository": "dev-master"

  • Publish the package config files using the following artisan command:

php artisan config:publish ryanrobertsname/laravel-elasticsearch-repository


As an example for this section we will have a "products" index which contains two different types, "product" and "product_owner".


  • Create your first migration file to create the "products" index and define the fields / columns for the types "product" and "product_owner" (note that you could split this up into separate migration files if preferred):

php artisan migrate:make create_index_products
  • Use IndexMigrator helper class to perform tasks in the migration file:

IndexMigrator::createIndexColumns('products', 'product', [
	'title' => 'string',
	'description' => 'string',
	'price' => 'integer',
	'category' => 'string',
	'soft_delete_status' => 'integer',
	'updated_at' => [
		'type' => 'date', 
		'format' => 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:s', '
		'index' => 'not_analyzed'
IndexMigrator::createIndexColumns('products', 'product_owner', [
	'name' => 'string',
	'gender' => 'string',
	'favorite_color' => 'string',
	'membership_status' => 'integer',
	'updated_at' => [
		'type' => 'date', 
		'format' => 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:s', '
		'index' => 'not_analyzed'
], 'product');


NOTE: notice that "product" was added as a third argument when creating the index columns for "product_owner", this is specifying "product" as a parent type to "product_owner". This will allow us to perform certain parent / child search operations.

NOTE: every indexable document will have an id so it does not need to be defined.

Configuration File

  • Define elasticsearch server hosts (ip:port) (one or multiple hosts):

	'elasticsearch' => [
			'hosts' => [
  • Define index models, name them whatever you'd like:

'index_models' => [

		'product' => [],
		'product_owner' => []

  • Define setup params for each index model:

'index_models' => [

	'product' => [
		'setup' => [
			'index' => 'products',
			'type' => 'product',
			'mapping' => [
				'properties' => [
					'title' => 'string',
					'description' => 'string',
					'price' => 'integer',
					'category' => 'string',
					'soft_delete_status' => 'integer',
					'updated_at' => [
						'type' => 'date', 
						'format' => 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:s', '
						'index' => 'not_analyzed'
				'parent' => null
	'product_owner' => [

		'setup' => [
			'index' => 'products',
			'type' => 'product_owner',
			'mapping' => [
				'properties' => [
					'name' => 'string',
					'gender' => 'string',
					'favorite_color' => 'string',
					'membership_status' => 'integer',
					'updated_at' => [
						'type' => 'date', 
						'format' => 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:s', '
						'index' => 'not_analyzed'
				'parent' => 'product'

  • Define the search operations that you would like to use for each model:

'index_models' => [

	'product' => [
		'setup' => [
			'index' => 'products',
			'type' => 'product',
			'mapping' => [
				'properties' => [
					'title' => 'string',
					'description' => 'string',
					'price' => 'integer',
					'category' => 'string',
					'soft_delete_status' => 'integer',
					'updated_at' => [
						'type' => 'date', 
						'format' => 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:s', '
						'index' => 'not_analyzed'
				'parent' => null

		'search' => [

			//find products that match title or description fields to supplied keywords
			'product_keywords' => [
				'query' => [
					'type' => 'String',  //query generator that should be used
					'params' => [	//query generator params
						'append' => '~1',
						//fields to search for a query match along with their weights '^3'
						'fields' => [
							'title' => '^3',  //3 times as important compared to description
							'description' => '^1'

			//find products that have product owners who match provided polling criteria
			//ie: find products that have female product owners who like the color blue
			'product_owner_poll' => [
				'query' => [
					'type' => 'Poll', //query generator that should be used
					'params' => [  //query generator params
						'has_child_type' => 'product_owner',
						'has_child_score_type' => 'sum',
						//similar field value matches and their relevance boost values
						'field_simularity_matches' => [
							'favorite_color' => [
								'red' => [
									'orange' => .5  //if polling for red, orange will match at half relevance
								'orange' => [
									'red' => .5  //if polling for orange, red will match at half relevance
						//allows for cetain field values to have field relevance boost adjustment
						'field_value_boosts' => [
							'gender' => [
								'female' => 2  //if searching for the gender being female, make the gender field twice as relevant overall
						//allows polled items to have overall relevance adjusted based on one or more specific field / value combo
						'poll_type_boosts' => [
							'membership_status' => [
								1 => 100,  //if item comes back as a match, and membership_status is 1, increase this items score by a multiple of 100
						//fields that can be polled along with their boost values
						'fields' => [
							'gender' => 2,  //everything else equal, gender field is twice as relevant as favorite_color field
							'favorite_color' => 1						],
				'aggs' => [  //aggregations for matches
					'price' => [  //user defined name for agg
						'agg' => 'NumberRangeAgg', //agg module to use
						'params' => [  //agg module params
							'field' => 'price',
							'interval' => 1000,
							'max_aggs' => 4  //compression will take place if more than max exist
					'group' => [  //user defined name for agg
						'agg' => 'TermAgg', //agg module to use
						'params' => [  //agg module params
							'field' => 'category'
				'filters' => [
						'filter' => 'TermFilter',
						'params' => [
							'field' => 'soft_delete_status',
							'value' => 0
						'combine_with_like_instances' => false  //if another term filter is supplied at run time, run them independently (ie filter AND filter)
	'product_owner' => [

		'setup' => [
			'index' => 'products',
			'type' => 'product_owner',
			'mapping' => [
				'properties' => [
					'name' => 'string',
					'gender' => 'string',
					'favorite_color' => 'string',
					'membership_status' => 'integer',
					'updated_at' => [
						'type' => 'date', 
						'format' => 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:s', '
						'index' => 'not_analyzed'
				'parent' => 'product'

		'search' => []



Using Repository Directly



$index_repo = \App::make('Ryanrobertsname\LaravelElasticsearchRepository\Repository\IndexRepository');


$columns = [
	'_id' => 1,  //optional, if '_id' is not included elasticsearch will make up it's own
	'title' => 'Super Cool Title',
	'description' => 'Even cooler description'

//bulk index:

$docs = [
		'_id' => 1,
		'title' => 'Super Cool Title',
		'description' => 'Even cooler description'
		'_id' => 2,
		'title' => 'This Title Is Ok',
		'description' => 'But the description aint so great'







		array $filters = [], 
		array $fields = []

//"more like this" search, ie find things in the same index/type that are similar to this one

$index_repo->model(''name_of_index_model_in_config'')->mltSearch($id, $limit);


Using Eloquent Model Auto Index Trait

This trait allows eloquent models to auto index / update / delete. Basically, you interact with you eloquent model BAU and the data will automatically be stored / syncronized in elasticsearch.

The database actions and index actions will be wrapped in a transaction to ensure consistency.

  • Add the auto index trait to eloquent models that should auto index:


use Ryanrobertsname\LaravelElasticsearchRepository\Helper\EloquentAutoIndexTrait;

class Product extends \Eloquent  {

	use EloquentAutoIndexTrait;


  • Define an index_model static property, this ties the eloquent model back to an index model that is defined in your index config file:


use Ryanrobertsname\LaravelElasticsearchRepository\Helper\EloquentAutoIndexTrait;

class Product extends \Eloquent  {

	use EloquentAutoIndexTrait;

	public static $index_model = 'product';


  • For each column defined in your index_model, a matching eloquent model column will be used. If you have a column in your index_model that does not directly correspond to a eloquent model column, you can set up a "mutator" to define the value for indexing:


use Ryanrobertsname\LaravelElasticsearchRepository\Helper\EloquentAutoIndexTrait;

class Product extends \Eloquent  {

	use EloquentAutoIndexTrait;

	public static $index_model = 'product';

	//used to generate value for index column 'soft_delete_status'
	public function setSoftDeleteStatusAttribute()
		if (empty($this->deleted_at))
			return 0;

		return 1;



Using Eloquent Index Search Trait

This trait allows you to quickly execute searches defined in your index config file. The response will return an eloquent collection with the following three keys:

  • meta
  • results
  • facets

The results key will contain a collection of eloquent models that match your search criteria.

Search example:



$product = \App::make('Product'); //eloquent model

$response = $product->indexSearch(
	$search_type, //as defined in index config file
	$query, //query data required by the query generator that tied to this search type
	array $filters = [], 
	array $fields = []

//$model_collection = $response['results'];
