This work is based on the .cls
that Peter DeWitt used for his dissertation,
and is based on the .cls
file written by Sarah Kreidler
Two example LaTeX .cls
files are provided. There are nearly the same, the
only difference is ucdenver-dissertation.cls
is for those with one thesis
advisor and ucdenver-dissertation-coadvisors.cls
is for those with
The ucdDissertation.bst
, ucdenver-dissertation.cls
and dissertation.tex
are the three files, at a minimum, you'll need as a starting point for your
|-- figures #-\
| |-- a.pdf #--\
| |-- b.pdf #---\
| |-- c.pdf #----\
| `-- d.pdf #-----\
|-- appendix01.tex #------- Contents of the dissertation
|-- chapter01.tex #-----/
|-- chapter02.tex #----/
|-- chapter03.tex #---/
|-- chapter04.tex #--/
|-- chapter05.tex #-/
|-- dissertation-coadvisors.pdf # Example Output
|-- dissertation-coadvisors.tex # Example parent file if you have co-advisors
|-- dissertation.pdf # Example Output
|-- dissertation.tex # Example parent file if you have one advisor
|-- Format-Guide.pdf # UCD Format Guide
|-- makefile
|-- newcommands.tex # Custom LaTeX macros
|-- # _This_ file
|-- references.bib # bibtex references
|-- r-references.bib # more references
|-- ucdDissertation.bst # bibtex style file
|-- ucdenver-dissertation.cls # .cls for one advisor
|-- ucdenver-dissertation-coadvisors.cls # .cls for co-advisors
`-- usepackages.tex # Additional packages needed
This template is a good start, but there is no guarantee that using this template will produce a document passing the graduate school format review. You will likely need to tweak a line or two within your dissertation. I did.
A more complex design, each chapter in its own subdirectory, with its own makefile, can be very helpful, especially if you are using knitr to author parts of your dissertation. More details can be provided if needed.