
Additional Scene types for SwiftUI on macOS

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Additional Scene types for SwiftUI apps on macOS.

A screenshot of two windows.  The one on the left is a "launcher" style window, similar to what you'd see when opening Xcode.  The window on the right is an "about" style window, displaying app information like the version and copyright.


MoreWindows requires a SwiftUI lifecycle app on macOS 13.0 or later.


MoreWindows can be added to a project as a Swift package.

.package(url: "https://github.com/ryanslikesocool/MoreWindows", from: "0.1.0"),


Documentation can be viewed by selecting Product > Build Documentation in Xcode.


macOS 13 is supported in theory. I've done my best to accomodate but I have no way of knowing if it actually works. Please open an issue or pull request with any potential issues on macOS 13.