Basic card style UI elements in Unity 2018.3.0f2
This is a basic card stack, similar to the app switcher on iOS 9+. The contents can be changed and it's possible to turn cards in the stack into 2D expanding cards.
These popups are heavily inspired by Ryan McLeod's "Blackbox" game. It's available for free on the iOS App Store. These popups are an attempt to replicate the popups in his game.
Click on the card and it expands into an almost full sized page. Click the red circle in the top right of the page to shrink it back into a card.
This one uses some outside scripts from the Unify Community Wiki. It takes a bunch of points from one quadrant of a superellipse and turns it into a mesh that can be used and changed at runtime. You can change the roundness (or "superness" if you want to sound cool) of the corners. The x and y extents and the level of detail of the quadrant can be changed. It's a bit messy to get set up with the interactive part of the UI.
Drag and drop the contents of the Assets folder anywhere into your project's Assets folder. Most of the info you need is on the cards in the scenes. The code is decently commented as well. If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to create an issue.
Triangulator.cs, PolygonTester.cs (which I renamed to MeshCreator.cs)