
Programmers' editor for OS X

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

Kod -- a programmers' editor for OS X

A modern and open universal text editor for programmers on Mac OS X.

If you want to use Kod, simply download the latest "stable" version from http://kodapp.com/download/


Get the source:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/rsms/kod.git

Build dependencies:


Setup Source Highlight:

This currently requires MacPorts or Homebrew.

Via MacPorts:

port install source-highlight +universal

Via Homebrew:

brew install source-highlight

Start hacking:

open kod.xcodeproj

Refreshing your clone

Since Kod is made up of a main repository as well as a few sub-repositories (git submodules) a simple git pull is not sufficient to update your source tree clone. Use the pull.sh shell script for this:



The main Kod source tree is hosted on git (a popular DVCS), thus you should create a fork of the repository in which you perform development. See http://help.github.com/forking/.

We prefer that you send a pull request here on GitHub which will then be merged into the official main line repository. You need to sign the Kod CLA to be able to contribute (see below).

Also, in your first contribution, add yourself to the end of AUTHORS.md (which of course is optional).

Contributor License Agreement

Before we can accept any contributions to Kod, you need to sign this CLA:


The purpose of this agreement is to clearly define the terms under which intellectual property has been contributed to Kod and thereby allow us to defend the project should there be a legal dispute regarding the software at some future time.

For a list of contributors, please see AUTHORS and https://github.com/rsms/kod/contributors


See the file LICENSE