
Resources for Ryan Tibshirani's research group

Primary LanguageTeX


Resources for Ryan Tibshirani's research group.


This subfolder has various latex files and templates. Main files:

  • ryantibs.bib: bib file for all of Ryan's papers.
  • ryantibs.tex: latex style file for Ryan's papers.
  • template.tex: latex template for a paper. You can see how it utilizes ryantibs.tex and ryantibs.bib.

Note: the bib file is maintained via BibDesk, a free excellent tool that I highly recommend. If you contribute a PR (always welcome, thank you!) to the bib file, then please pay attention to the bib guidelines.

There is also a template-talk.tex file for Ryan's talks.


This subfolder has various command line (Mac/Linux) tools. Main files:

  • mk-new: make a new folder for a new project. To be called as in:
    mk-new lentilfilter
    for our new amazing project on Lentil Filtering. You can see how it populates a directory structure and fills it with various templates, and tools.
  • cp-bib: replace the localryantibs.bib file with the latest one from the git repo. Typically, to be called within the notes or paper subfolders of a given project folder.
  • cp-arxiv: copy all the paper files into an arxiv subfolder, and zip it (for easy submission to arxiv). To be called within the paper subfolder of a given project folder.

There are also some talk tools, mk-talks and cp-talks.