- abichatParis
- alemh3Earth
- antukiParis
- asearsToronto, Ontario, Canada
- benmarwickUniversity of Washington
- bouncysteveManchester
- chalgBrisbane, Australia
- clokey
- detroyejrEchelon Insights
- DFNOsorioPRT
- Earththing
- EmilHvitfeldt@posit-dev
- jaapwalhoutStatistics Netherlands
- JeffJettonNashville, TN
- kanchengPeking University
- kuzmenkov111
- lhehnkeBerlin, Germany
- ligewu
- mtmxMontreuil
- mvabl-steveNYC
- namanpaulThe University of British Columbia
- nclmi like having company, yes
- nunesDMN Soft Madrid SL
- patrickgardellaGlobant
- RLesur@InseeFr
- robsalascoSantiago, Chile
- safferli
- santiagomotaFreelance
- shabbybanks
- sigkillchris
- statkclee@bit2r
- stedy
- tylermorganwall
- weatherlym
- wengraf@RACFoundation