
presentation about conversions you can do on lambda expressions

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Conversions, reductions, and abstractions in lambda calculus

These are the notes for a presentation I gave at LVFPUG on 2015-06-04.


Lambda calculus is the foundation of many functional programming languages. Understanding it is helpful in simplifying terms and understanding function application and program evaluation.

Sometimes terms like eta-reduction are used by people when refactoring functional programming languages like Haskell. It would be nice to know what they mean.


Some operation you apply to an term that makes it simpler.


Some operation you apply to an term that makes it more complex.


Either a reduction, abstraction, or an operation that maintains the complexity of the term.

Brief introduction to lambda calculus

We will use Haskell syntax. Lambda is represented by a backslash. -> separates the arguments to the lambda from the body of the lambda. Variables by letters starting with a lowercase letter. Application is done by a space between variables.

Here is the identity lambda term:

    \ x -> x

It returns what is given to it.

    \ x -> x y

x is a "bound" variable in this term. The x in the body of the lambda is bound to the x in the argument list of the lambda. y is called "free" becuase it is not bound in the term.

   (\ x -> x y) (\ y -> y + y)

Depending on what part you look at y is both bound and free. It is bound inside the right lambda, but it is free for the whole term. Here is how to see that by application:

    (\ x -> x y) (\ y -> y + y)
    -- Application of outer
    (\ y -> y + y) y

The outside y is not defined anywhere.

Alpha conversion

Replacing a bound variable name. Example:

    (\ y -> y + y) y
    -- Alpha conversion of inner y
    (\ t -> t + t) y

In this case, it helps make it more clear which variables are free and bound. Also, this is the theoretical foundation for why you can rename variables.

Alpha conversion cannot be done on a free variable.

    (\ y -> y + y) y
    -- Alpha conversion of outer y
    (\ y -> y + y) t

In this case, the term is presumed to live inside of a bigger term or "environment" that has bound y. If you just rename it at this level, it will no longer be referencing that environment.

It also isn't applied inward arbitrarily:

    (\ y -> y + (\ y -> y)) y
    -- Alpha conversion of inner y
    (\ t -> t + (\ y -> y)) y

The most inner lambda does not get renamed.

You have to be careful to not do it to a variable already being used:

    (\ x -> (\ y -> x))
    -- Alpha conversion of x to y changes meaning
    (\ y -> (\ y -> y))

It changes the meaning of the function. It was a function that returned a constant function of x, but it became a function that returned an identity function.

Fix by renaming with a unique variable or alpha converting the inner part first.

    -- unique u
    (\ x -> (\ y -> x))
    -- Alpha conversion of x to u does not change meaning
    (\ u -> (\ y -> u))
    -- or alpha conversion of inner first
    (\ x -> (\ t -> x))
    (\ y -> (\ t -> y))

Lambda abstraction

We've been using lambda abstractions all along. It is just another name for lambda or anonymous functions. It is used if you want to introduce new variables to an expression.


    -- lambda abstraction from constant term to constant function
    \ y -> x
    -- lambda abstraction from constant function to constant function
    -- function
    \ z -> (\ y -> x)

This abstraction is also useful when you want to inject parameterized information into a computation. It is what you are directly doing when you add an argument to the left hand side of a function in Haskell:

    addOne :: Int -> Int
    addOne x = x + 1

    --lambda abstraction
    addOneOrTwo :: Bool -> Int -> Int
    addOneOrTwo b x = x + 1

    --use introduced variable
    addOneOrTwo b x =
        if b then
            x + 1
            x + 2

Beta reduction

Beta reduction is the more formal name for application. Square bracket and := operator are introduced to help show how the reduction proceeds.


    (\ x -> x + x) t
    -- replace variable x with term t
    -- x + x [ x := t ]
    -- finish reduction
    t + t

Another example:

    (\ x -> x) y
    -- beta reduction: x [ x := y ]

Just like normal computation beta reduction is not guaranteed to stop:

    (\ x -> x x) (\ x -> x x)
    -- beta reduction x x [ x := (\ x -> x x) ]
    (\ x -> x x) (\ x -> x x)
    -- Same as before!

Eta conversion

This is probably the most common conversion I have seen when people talk about Haskell refactoring. Usually people do eta reductions to simplify a function definition or to turn it into a point free form.

For example:

    adder :: Int -> Int -> Int
    adder x y = x + y

    -- infix to prefix
    adder x y = (+) x y

    -- eta reduction
    adder x = (+) x

    -- eta reduction again
    adder = (+)

With lambdas eta conversions look like this:

    (\x -> (\y -> f x y))
    --eta reduction
    (\x -> f x)
    -- eta reduction
    -- eta abstraction
    (\x -> f x)
    -- eta abstraction again
    (\x -> (\y -> f x y))

This conversion cannot be made if x is free within f. For example:

    let f = (\y -> x)

    let before = (\x -> (\y -> x) x)

    -- eta reduction
    let after = (\y -> x)

    -- before z = z
    -- after z = x

This does not really happen in the common case where people use eta reduction in Haskell refactorings. The simple procedure in Haskell is

  1. Get the argument you want to eta reduce to the right side of the argument list.
  2. Manipulate the right hand side of the function definition so the argument only appears at the rightmost position.
  3. eta reduce and repeat as desired.


    pluser :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
    pluser l plusBy = map (+ plusBy) l

    -- Option 1: Change interface of function
    pluser :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
    pluser plusBy l = map (+ plusBy) l
    -- Then eta reduction without right hand side manipulation
    pluser plusBy = map (+ plusBy)
    -- Continuing we need to extract out plusBy
    pluser plusBy = (map . flip (+)) plusBy
    -- eta reduction
    pluser = map . flip (+)

    -- Option 2: Keep interface of function
    pluser :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
    pluser l plusBy = map (+ plusBy) l

    -- Manipulate right hand side
    pluser l plusBy = (map . flip (+)) plusBy l
    -- Manipulate right hand side
    pluser l plusBy = (flip (map . flip (+))) l plusBy
    -- eta reduce
    pluser l = (flip (map . flip (+))) l
    -- eta reduce
    pluser = (flip (map . flip (+)))

Refactoring to pointfree solutions sometimes is nice because you do not have to name variables, but in other cases, it can make it harder to understand the function. The trivial eta reductions are almost always done in Haskell. It makes the code shorter and requires one less name for each trivial reduction.

Blunt is a helpful tool for discovering pointfree forms.