
Welcome to SmartLeather.io, the groundbreaking product brought to you by Proxima SmartManage. 🌐 SmartLeather.io is a specialized software solution meticulously crafted for the dynamic leather industry. Embracing cutting-edge AI technology, this platform redefines manufacturing operations and propels business growth into a new era. 🛠️

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Proxima SmartManage: SmartLeather.io 🚀

Welcome to SmartLeather.io, the groundbreaking product brought to you by Proxima SmartManage. 🌐

SmartLeather.io is a specialized software solution meticulously crafted for the dynamic leather industry. Embracing cutting-edge AI technology, this platform redefines manufacturing operations and propels business growth into a new era. 🛠️

Repository Structure 📂


  • Assets: Contains all images for the web app.
  • Graphs: Houses data visualization images for the web app.
  • QR_Codes: Stores all QR codes generated from the web app.
  • screenshots: snapshots of the working web app


  • HTML Files: A collection of essential HTML files for various functionalities.
    • index.html demo.html customer.html delete_customer.html product.html delete_product.html order.html delete_order.html scan.html error.html


  • app.py: Main Flask app importing other customized Python modules with a connected database for efficient management.
  • data_visualization.py: Methods for creating graphs and charts for the live dashboard.
  • download_excel.py: A method facilitating the download of the 'management.xlsx' file.
  • id_generation.py: Methods to generate unique IDs for products, customers, orders, and jobs.
  • methods.py: Centralized operations for checking, creating, and deleting products, customers, and orders data in the database.
  • qr_generator.py: Generates QR codes for newly created orders and saves them.
  • qr_scan.py: A method opening the QR scanner to scan QR codes and update the database.

Database & Files

  • management.db: The database containing tables for constant operations, customers, jobs, orders, products, and revenue.
  • management.xlsx: An Excel sheet downloading all database tables as separate sheets into a single document.


  • requirements.txt: Lists all the requirements for the app to function.

How to Use the App 🚀

Step 1: Explore the Live Dashboard

Access the software platform using your credentials and navigate to the live dashboard for real-time analytics. Leverage interactive tools to analyze key metrics and download raw data for in-depth examination of operational insights.

Step 2: Complete Forms for Seamless Management

Locate and fill in the necessary product, customer, or order management forms, ensuring accuracy and completeness. Each entry receives a unique identification number, and for orders, a QR code is generated for easy tracking throughout the manufacturing process.

Step 3: Initiate Scanning Demo for Hands-On Experience

Create a new order through the interface to initiate the scanning demo. Observe live dashboard updates reflecting changes in key metrics and data points, providing a firsthand look at the software's responsiveness and real-time monitoring capabilities.

Snapshots 📸

screenshots screenshots screenshots

Feel free to explore, innovate, and witness the transformative power of SmartLeather.io! 🔍💡

How to Run the App 🏃‍♂️

  1. Install Dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run the Flask App
    flask run

Contributions 🤝

We welcome contributions to enhance and extend SmartLeather.io. If you have ideas, bug fixes, or new features to propose, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with clear messages.
  4. Push your changes to your fork.
  5. Create a pull request, explaining your changes and why they should be merged.

Thank you for contributing to SmartLeather.io! 🙌