CS 10 - Lab 1: Hello World


To gain experience with the tools we utilize in CS 010 and CS 010v, in addition to understanding the basics about various items students will use throughout the quarter.


  1. Copy the file in lab00. It should be named hello_world.cpp. Paste a copy into lab01.
  2. Right click and rename the file that you just pasted, rename the file to lab1.cpp.
  3. Open the lab1.cpp file and place the proper assessment header at the top.
  4. Compile and execute your program (you may need to first navigate to the proper directory lab01, using cd to change directory in your terminal).
    • use the g++ command to compile
      • no such file? make sure the file exists with ls, and use cd to navigate
    • use ./a.out to execute, once compiled and an a.out executable file exists
      • Upon execution, you should see the output "Hello World!" within your terminal
    • Recall the commands from the README.md in your C9 workspace.
  5. Download the lab1.cpp file and submit it to the proper R'Sub submission area

Known Bugs

No currently known bugs!