Training AI to play Tetris using Unity's Reinforcement Learning package ML-Agents. The SAC training algorithm was used for training with other hyperparameters defined in trainer_config.yaml.
This project was created using Unity 2019.4.0 LTS and ML-Agents release 2. Python 3.7 and the ml-agents 0.16.1 Python package is required for training a new model.
Launch mlagents-learn from the command line and run the Train.unity
mlagents-learn config/trainer_config.yaml --run-id TetrisLearning
View the results using tensorboard.
tensorboard --logdir=summaries --port=6006 --bind_all
Test the generated model in the Play.unity
scene, simply add the .nn file in the model field of behaviour parameters and check the Behaviour Type is set to Inference.