
Sample Heroku node.js app based on the classic game Dragon Quest VIII

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample Heroku node.js application

Sample application for (running free on) the Heroku platform. This guide assumes you have the CLI tools installed to work with Heroku, namely the Heroku Toolbelt, node, and git.

Neat things this sample app does

  • Automatically installs git hooks (i.e. to lint your code before committing)
  • Watches source files for changes and automatically preps them for production
    • Bundles and minifies your Angular app into a single file, which includes a source map for easy debugging
    • Compiles your .scss files into a single .css file
  • Heroku-specific: Ignores source files and only deploys production-ready files
  • Angular-specific: "caches" API calls to prevent unnecessary database calls

To run locally

  1. heroku git:clone -a dq8
  2. Set the environment variable obtained from heroku config:get DATABASE_URL and place it in .env
  3. npm install
  4. gulp watch
  5. foreman start web


  • Angular module setters must begin with an underscore (_app.js)

See it in action
