
A simple React CLI to generate components instantly and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Generate React CLI

dependencies License


To help speed up productivity in React projects and stop copying, pasting, and renaming files each time you want to create a new component.

Few notes:


npm i -g generate-react-cli

Config File

When you run generate-react-cli within your project the first time, it will ask you a series of questions to customize the cli for your project needs (this will create a "generate-react-cli.json" config file).

e.g. generate-react-cli.json

  "component": {
    "path": "src/components",
    "css": {
      "preprocessor": "scss",
      "module": true
    "test": {
      "library": "Testing Library",
      "withTest": true
    "withStory": true,
    "withLazy": false


Generate Component

generate-react component <ComponentName>


g-r c <ComponentName>

This command will create a folder with your component name within your default (e.g. src/components) directory, and its corresponding files.


Parameter Description Default Value
-p or
Value of the path where you want the component to be generated in (e.g. src/pages). src/components
-t or
Create a corresponding test file with this component? Boolean value selected in "generate-react-cli.json" config file
-s or
Create a corresponding story file with this component? Boolean value selected in "generate-react-cli.json" config file
-l or
Create a corresponding lazy file (a file that lazy-loads your component out of the box and enables code splitting) with this component? Boolean value selected in "generate-react-cli.json" config file

Have fun!