
Basic scaffolding for creating React components.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Basic scaffolding for creating React components.

Set up your repo

  1. Create and move into your component's directory
    mkdir your-shiny-component && cd your-shiny-component
  2. Clone the repo
    git clone git@github.com:ryanwalters/generic-react-component.git
  3. Update the remote
    git remote rm origin
    git remote add origin <new git repo url>
  4. Rename the component
    • Change name in package.json
    • Search and replace GenericComponent -> YourShinyComponent
  5. Commit and push the new component. Note: the -u flag is only needed this once to set the upstream repo.
    git commit -am "initial commit"
    git push -u origin master

Set up your environment to work locally on your component

Component directory

cd ~/your-shiny-component
npm install
npm link

This installs our dependencies and allows us to use this dev version of the component in other projects as if it were installed as a dependency. npm link documentation

Project directory

cd ~/big-project
npm link your-shiny-component

This lets us use your-shiny-component from within the project as if it were a normal dependency.

import React from 'react';
import YourShinyComponent from 'your-shiny-component';

class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            	Just look how shiny: <YourShinyComponent/>

export default App;

Working on your component

You should probably have two terminal windows open. One terminal for the component, one for the project.

Inside the component terminal, run npm start. This starts up webpack and watches your component, recompiling when a change is made.

Removing the link

cd ~/big-project
npm unlink your-shiny-component

cd ~/your-shiny-component
npm unlink


Borrowed much of this from How to create a React component and publish it on NPM