
Heroku Buikdpack PHP with PhalconPHP and Composer

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku Buildpack - PHP with PhalconPHP

For phalcon user on heroku, easy deploy their phalcon app.


Just using heroku create APP_NAME -b https://github.com/elct9620/heroku-buildpacks-php-with-phalcon to start your phalcon heroku app.

Specify your package source


Enable heroku user-env-compile addon. (This still is labs feature)


Using profile.d or heroku config command to setting PACKAGE_URL and you can use your special php pre-compile package.

(This feature sitll under test, it may not work correctly)



  • A litle Shell Script Knowledge


First, you may want modify ext/build.sh and setting up your PHP version and add some PHP extension.

  • heroku run bash to connect your heroku binary build app
  • curl https://raw.github.com/elct9620/heroku-buildpacks-php-with-phalcon/develop/ext/build.sh download the build script (or from your github )
  • chmod +x build.sh
  • ./build.sh run build script and wait
  • cd build/
  • tar -zcf package.tar.gz apache.tar.gz php.tar.gz libs.tar.gz package all necessary files
  • using "SCP" or other method to copy this package to remote server where your heroku app can access this package ( I using curl -k -T package.tar.gz http://myNAS-Webdav-Endpoint/ to download this file)