sails hook for easy rabbitmq worker integration
Jobs are defined in api/jobs. They should look like this:
// api/jobs/testJob.js
module.exports = {
name: 'testJob', // required
worker(msg) { // required
console.log('worker args', msg.content.toString())
console.log('msg.ack', msg.ack)
return Promise.resolve()
durable: true, // optional, defaults to true
prefetch: 3 // optional, defaults to 1
A config file is also required, it should look something like this (given values are defaults unless otherwise noted):
var path = require('path')
module.exports.rabbitworker = {
options: {
runJobs: true, // optional flag for whether this particular instance should consume jobs from the queue
exchangeName: 'some_exchange_name', // optional, defaults to 'sails_jobs'
retryFailedJobs: true, // optional flag for if jobs should be retried (one additional time) if they fail
heartbeat: 5, // optional number of seconds, defaults to no heartbeat
retryConnectionAttempts: 3, // optional number of retry attempts for initial connection
retryConnectionTimeout: 10000, // optional number of milliseconds before attempting to retry after a connection error
retryDroppedConnectionAttempts: 100, // optional number of retry attempts after a dropped connection
host: 'localhost', // all of these connection settings are optional. if omitted, these are the defaults.
port: 5672,
username: 'guest',
password: 'guest',
ssl: false
jobs: require('require-all')(path.join(__dirname, '../api/jobs')) // required
Note the peer dependency on require-all.
Once this is set up, you can create a new job like this:
sails.createJob('nameOfTheJob', 'string message')