
sails hook for easy rabbitmq worker integration

Primary LanguageJavaScript


sails hook for easy rabbitmq worker integration

This is in beta, still working out connection error handling

Jobs are defined in api/jobs. They should look like this:

// api/jobs/testJob.js
module.exports = {
    name: 'testJob', // required
    worker(msg) { // required
        console.log('worker args', msg.content.toString())
        console.log('msg.ack', msg.ack)
        return Promise.resolve()
    durable: true, // optional, defaults to true
    prefetch: 3 // optional, defaults to 1

A config file is also required, it should look something like this (given values are defaults unless otherwise noted):

var path = require('path')

module.exports.rabbitworker = {
  options: {
    runJobs: true, // optional flag for whether this particular instance should consume jobs from the queue
    exchangeName: 'some_exchange_name',  // optional, defaults to 'sails_jobs'
    retryFailedJobs: true, // optional flag for if jobs should be retried (one additional time) if they fail
    heartbeat: 5, // optional number of seconds, defaults to no heartbeat
    retryConnectionAttempts: 3, // optional number of retry attempts for initial connection
    retryConnectionTimeout: 10000, // optional number of milliseconds before attempting to retry after a connection error
    retryDroppedConnectionAttempts: 100, // optional number of retry attempts after a dropped connection 
    host: 'localhost', // all of these connection settings are optional.  if omitted, these are the defaults.
    port: 5672,
    username: 'guest',
    password: 'guest',
    ssl: false
  jobs: require('require-all')(path.join(__dirname, '../api/jobs'))  // required

Note the peer dependency on require-all.

Once this is set up, you can create a new job like this:

sails.createJob('nameOfTheJob', 'string message')