

Primary LanguageShell


network clipboard built on docker with

  • alipine linux
  • bash
  • dropbear ssh
  • xclip x11 clipboard client
  • xvfb virtual frame buffer x server
  • x11vnc vnc server (for debugging)
  • those perennial favorites, stdin and stdout
  • "last in, only out, maybe" technology


the install command will setup some scripts in ${HOME}/bin

  • netclip: netclip service interaction/control
  • sc: shared clipboard copy
  • sp: shared clipboard paste
  • localclip: local clipboard manager
  • localclipin: copy to local clipboard
  • localclipout: paste from local clipboard
  • copysync: copy stdin to both network and local clipboards

environment variables

var purpose default
clipuser netclip ssh user clippy
clipport netclip ssh port 11922
cliphost netclip hostname/IP docker container id
clipinst netclip script installation path ${HOME}/bin
clipssh netclip ssh command to use ssh
clipsshopts netclip ssh options -l ${clipuser} -p ${clipport}
# netclip help
usage: /netclip [cmd]

    export cliphost=hostname.domainname
    ssh -l clippy -p 11922 ${cliphost} /netclip install | bash
    cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | netclip addkey
    echo hello | sc
    cat /tmp/in.txt | netclip copy ; ssh remote 'netclip paste > /tmp/out.txt'

          addkey: add an ssh key from stdin
           clear: clear the contents of the clipboard
       clearhist: clear all history entries
     clipboardin: manipulate clipboard selection stdin (abbrev: ci)
    clipboardout: manipulate clipboard selection stdout (abbrev: co)
            copy: copy stdin to the clipboard
        copysync: show script to copy to both network and local clipboard
             cut: alias for copy
         delhist: read a history entry from stdin and delete it
          delkey: read a key number from stdin and delete it
         delpass: delete the stored password file
     disautolock: disable autolocking the clipboard before copying
         dishist: disable capturing clipboard history
        dumpkeys: copy and paste ssh keys to stdout
      enautolock: enable autolocking the clipboard before copying
          enhist: enable capturing clipboard history
         gethist: read a history entry from stdin and show it
            help: show this help
         install: show install script for netclip/sc/sp
        listhist: list any existing history entries
        listkeys: show known ssh authorized keys
     listrawkeys: show ssh authorized_keys file
       localclip: show localclip script
     localclipin: show localclip stdin script
    localclipout: show localclip stdout script
            lock: mark the clipboard as read-only
         netclip: show netclip control script
           paste: paste the clipboard to stdout
       primaryin: manipulate primary selection stdin (abbrev: pi)
      primaryout: manipulate primary selection stdout (abbrev: po)
            reap: kill any lingering xclip processes
              sc: show network copy script
     secondaryin: manipulate secondary selection stdin (abbrev: si)
    secondaryout: manipulate secondary selection stdout (abbrev: so)
         setpass: read new password from stdin
    showautolock: show the clipboard autolocking status
        showhist: show the clipboard history status
        showlock: show the clipboard lock status
        showpass: show password
        showport: show the ssh clipboard port
        showuser: show the ssh clipboard user
              sp: show network paste script
          unlock: mark the clipboard as read-write
          update: update netclip scripts


docker build --tag netclip .


docker run -d --restart always --name netclip -p 11922:11922 netclip


the username/password for ssh access is dumped to the logs at startup

docker logs netclip | awk -F: '/^user:/{print $NF}' | head -1 | tr -d ' '
docker logs netclip | awk -F: '/^pass:/{print $NF}' | head -1 | tr -d ' '

the ssh/vnc password can be shown using the showpass command as well

docker exec --user clippy netclip /netclip showpass

the ssh password can be reset from the docker host where netclip is running

docker exec --user clippy netclip sh -c 'echo SuperSecretNEWp@55W0rD+ | /netclip setpass'

the password file can be removed

docker exec --user clippy netclip /netclip delpass

add an ssh key

substitute username/port/hostname below

enter password when prompted

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh -l clippy -p 11922 hostname /netclip addkey

test keys with

ssh -l clippy -p 11922 hostname /netclip help

get scripts

automatic install

export cliphost=hostname
ssh -l clippy -p 11922 ${cliphost} /netclip install | bash

manual install

export cliphost=hostname
ssh -l clippy -p 11922 ${cliphost} /netclip netclip > ~/bin/netclip
chmod 755 ~/bin/netclip
~/bin/netclip sc > ~/bin/sc
~/bin/netclip sp > ~/bin/sp
chmod 755 ~/bin/s{c,p}
which -a netclip sc sp

use scripts

set a hostname for ${cliphost} and copy/paste to your heart's content

export cliphost=hostname
echo something | sc

that's it!

once a host's key is in place it has full copy/paste powers as long as the cliphost is reachable

set up a bunch of keys at once

bootstrapping keys is relatively simple assuming they're exchanged with the netclip host

git clone https://github.com/ryanwoodsmall/dockerfiles.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd alpine-netclip
git checkout master
git pull
docker build --tag netclip .
docker run -d --restart always --name netclip -p 11922:11922 netclip
docker exec --user clippy netclip /netclip delpass
docker cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub netclip:/tmp/key.pub
docker exec --user clippy netclip bash -c 'cat /tmp/key.pub | /netclip addkey'
docker exec --user clippy netclip /netclip install | bash
for h in h01 h02 h03 ; do
  ssh $h cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | netclip addkey
  netclip install | ssh $h


  • system monitor?
    • htop/iostat/ifstat/etc. output on secondary
    • aggregate views w/tmux
  • ring buffer with sponge
  • ripple i/o loops
  • broadcast/subscription/todo system?
  • daemon/service/plugins for whatever programs for centralized clipping


  • probably need a clipproxycmd setting
    • nc, socat, or similar to encapsulate SSH in HTTPS, act as VPN, etc.
      • anonymous (insecure!) tls server: socat openssl-listen:11944,reuseaddr,fork,cert=/cert.pem,verify=0 tcp4-connect:${cliphost}:11922
      • anonymous (insecure!) tls client: socat - openssl-connect:${tlsserver}:11944,verify=0
    • can do this easily with ProxyCommand in ~/.ssh/config for OpenSSH, Dropbear with -J option
    • wrapper script might be enough and is much simpler
      • works better with dbclent -J... as well without having to do coprocess/filedescriptor stuff
  • debug environment var - run vs build time
  • debug x11vnc should run as debug user connecting to clippy xvfb? xhost?
  • just remove vnc stuff for now?
  • watch a fifo?
  • read-only flag? write-host check? "only host with IP #.#.#.# can copy"
  • or read-only user? read-only port?
  • lock down ssh command (requires openssh) similar to git
  • remove root user requirement after setup, run as regular user
  • ability to turn ssh password auth off
  • ability to update: netclip script, startup .sh scripts, and dropbear packages
  • peel out unnecessary/big packages
  • clear on read, i.e. delete the clipboard when paste
  • something more "enterprise-y" on centos/rhel w/auth (pam, ldap, kerberos, ...) stuff built in
  • service discovery for user/host/port (mdns? other broadcast?)
  • gui???
  • real supervisor instead of shell loops?
  • network of clipboards? local service, master service with broadcast, distribution?
  • actual c/go/rust service process?
  • libssh2 server?
  • multiple clipboards?
    • multiple copy/paste is ugh, complicates input
    • use as undo? implicit/explicit?
    • if clipboard is text, automatically copy to primary?
    • xclip supports primary/secondary/clipboard/buffer-cut
    • xsel supports primary/secondary/clipboard
    • clipboard is any data type, cut buffer is old, primary is "text only", secondary is underdefined
  • xclip -verbose?
  • xsel?
    • more features than xclip
    • --append option for stdin to selection
    • --follow option for tail-like stdin
    • --exchange option for primary/secondary
    • --logfile for logging errors
    • --keep option for primary/secondary persistence
    • --verbose option
  • sselp
  • case-generation for function expansion
    • pipes are parsed BEFORE vars in $v1|$v2|$v3) ... case examples
    • ugh
  • explicit file copy support?
    • would require "client" code
    • no
  • volumes for docker stuff
    • dropbear
    • settings
    • history/log files
  • localclip/localclipin/localclipout
  • loadkeys (import keys from dumpkeys)
  • history - separation in to YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM/SS/N nanosecond format
    • UUID for filename?
    • sqlite db w/sha256sum/index for dedupe?
  • ssh keys - show fingerprints
    • use fingerprints for trusted pubkey removal instead of jank number system thing
    • ssh-keygen -l -f - < /tmp/individual.pubkey
    • also works with ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or other textual key lists
  • make sc/sp/etc. script symlinks to netclip client
  • base64 encode everything?
  • gpg sign history?
  • associate clip with ssh pubkey some how
  • stack: clipboard->primary->secondary
  • private keys? for external sync
  • zero clipboards on xvfb start with echo -n
  • move to rbash
    • disable compound execution, i.e... netclip 'sp ; ls -lA /'
    • just make netclip a valid shell and deal with ';' casing there?
  • limit sudo usage to specific commands
    • apk, chown, chmod, sponge, etc.
  • dumpkeys is copying but not pasting, not sure why
  • ability to connect to "real"/existing x-window display via custom DISPLAY= setting & no xvfb
  • default cincmd/coutcmd to sc/sp in localclip script?
  • convert to 9p w/c9 (https://git.sr.ht/~ft/c9) and/or 9pro (https://git.sr.ht/~ft/9pro)
  • rename copy and paste with "net" prefix to avoid conflict with /usr/bin/paste
  • host key dump - /etc/dropbear in .tar?
  • full backup/restore - /data/clip and /data/vnc(?) and /home/clippy and /etc/dropbear and ??? in .tar?
  • pastebin-like web+url generation w/history
    • expiry is ugly
    • content-addressable (ish) with sha-256 (-512? b2sum? b3sum?) sums as key, data as value
      • i.e., /data/persist/$sum/content
      • combine w/cliphistory dated log dir files+symlinks for historical-ish tracking
      • current clipboard, primary, secondary aliases for in-memory clipboard
    • store uuid along with hash?
      • every file only has one sha-### sum
      • uuid is equally unique
      • but a uuid with a collection of sums could represent a bundle of files - i.e., .tar or similar
    • version with .# extension?
      • only makes sense with uuid/hash sum mapping
      • would have to do tombstones when a file is removed from a bundle at a version
      • woof
    • just use venti, man
      • or nix or guix or...
    • wow: https://github.com/golang-design/clipboard and https://github.com/changkun/midgard
  • i need to rip some of this shit out
  • ooh, small xclipd/xclipin/xclipout: https://github.com/phillbush/xcliputils
  • stripped down container with only bash+xvfb+tinysshd+xclipd+tr+fold+printf+tee+sponge+...
    • replace as much as possible w/pure bash; echo -> >>> ???
    • ed25519 only!
      • ssh keys are the only state; negative features.
      • dropbearkey for generation
    • other utilities? date, tee, grep, ...
    • decrease attack surface significantly
