
Generates random sentences from an input text file

Primary LanguageJava


Generates random sentences from an input text file


The program generates a sequence of characters/words, the seed, and then uses it to generate the next character/word, prescribing to the frequency with which it appears in the input text file.

This is done with a HashMap, where the keys are the possible seeds, and the values are lists of next characters/words along with the frequency with which they appear.


Some of the results:

I do not like this at home. Who is this pet? Say! He is wet. You never yet met a pet, I bet, as wet as they let this wet pet get. Did you ever walk with ten cats on your head? Did you ever milk this kind of cow? Well, we can do it. We know how. If you never did, you should. I like to do is hop from finger top. I hop from finger top. I hop from finger top to finger top to finger top. I hop from left to right. Why do I like to hop all day and night from near to far from here to there, funny things are everywhere. These yellow pets are called the Zeds. They have one hair up on their heads. Their hair grows fast... so fast, they say, they need a hair cut every day. Who am I? My name is Ned. I do not like this one so well. All he does is yell, yell

, so why not think anyway, so why not think big? All of the ones you a loser. ead make your best investments are them. Instead make. It's tangible, it's solid, it's solid, it's beautiful. It's artistic, from my standpoint, and pleasurable. Sometimes by losing a battle your best investments are the l