This is a LoRaWAN v1.0 implementation in python.
It uses:
For reference on LoRa see:
This fork adds support for the Adafruit LoRA Radio Bonnet with OLED - RFM95W @ 915MHZ.
It also allows you to connect as a client to the Helium Network.
You must create a device on the Helium Console at
You need to rename "" to "" and enter you device information from the Helium Console.
To register a device and get a device ID you need to run and stores the results in
Then you can run to send messages by specifying the msg and the frame like this:
python3 --msg "Test" --frame 1
You can run which utilizes the OLED screen and buttons.
This will sent a tranmission when it starts and whenever you press the middle button.
The transmission is a confirmed data message so a response will be received if a hotspot is in range.
The message just sends with the same frame to prevent having to track that and since the up link data is not needed.
The script pulls the RSSI, the packet RSSI, and the SNR and displays it on the OLED.
Automatically track frame number. Automatically capture device registration info and put in