
User script to use PR author avatars as tab icons

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Badge showing number of installs from Greasy Fork Badge showing version of the userscript

GitHub: PR author avatar as tab icon

Demonstration of the userscript on two pull requests with different authors

This userscript changes GitHub tab icons (favicon) of pull request pages to author's avatar. Note that the userscript sometimes overrides the dynamic display of build status in the tab icon.

The source code is distributed under the terms of the MIT Licence. See LICENSE.txt for details.

How to install

  1. To install this userscript in your browser you'll need a browser extension for managing userscripts. See big list on https://greasyfork.org/ (section "Step 1: install a userscript manager").

  2. Once you have a browser extension for userscripts installed, click on button "Install this script" on Greasy Fork.