
GitPitch In 60 Seconds - A Very Short Tutorial


GitPitch In 60 Seconds

To experience just how simple it is to create a GitPitch slideshow presentation, follow along with this short tutorial.

Tutorial also available for GitLab and Bitbucket users.

Step 1. Create or Use-an-Existing Repository on GitHub

Using an existing account on GitHub, either:

  • Create a new repository on GitHub and clone it to your local disk or
  • Select one of your existing repositories on GitHub and make sure it has been cloned to your local disk

The rest of this tutorial will show how by adding a markdown file to your chosen repository, https://gitpitch.com can read and automatically translate that file into an online slideshow presentation.

Step 2. Create a PITCHME.md file in the root directory of your Repository

Using your preferred code editor create a file called PITCHME.md, then add and save the following Markdown content within that file:

# Flux 

An application architecture for React


### Flux Design

- Dispatcher: Manages Data Flow
- Stores: Handle State & Logic
- Views: Render Data via React


![Flux Explained](https://facebook.github.io/flux/img/flux-simple-f8-diagram-explained-1300w.png)

Please take note of the following:

  1. The PITCHME.md file name is a new convention introduced by GitPitch
  2. The PITCHME.md file name is case sensitive
  3. The PITCHME.md file content is standard GitHub Flavored Markdown
  4. The --- markdown fragment acts as a slide delimiter that partitions your slideshow content

For the sample markdown used in this tutorial, when GitPitch processes the sample PITCHME.md markdown content it will result in a simple presentation with just three slides.

Step 3. Push PITCHME.md to your upstream GitHub Repository in the Cloud

At this point you have simply created one new file within your chosen repository. Now you need to add this file under Git version control and then push your local changes to your upstream repository on GitHub in the cloud:

git add PITCHME.md
git commit -m "Added my first GitPitch slideshow content."
git push

At this point, the upstream version of your chosen repository on GitHub should have the new PITCHME.md file in it's root directory.

Step 4. Done!

After you git-push, you are done! Your GitPitch slideshow presentation is now waiting for you to share or present at its public URL.

You can build the public URL for your slideshow presentation on gitpitch.com using the following structure:


Where the following substitutions must be made by you to reflect your specific Git account and respository details:

  • $USER - must be replaced with your GitHub account name
  • $REPO - must be replaced with the name of your chosen GitHub repository
  • $BRANCH - must be replaced with the branch you used when adding your PITCHME.md file. If you did not specifically create a feature branch for this tutorial, then the default branch name is master.

For example, this tutorial is itself within a repository. And that repository includes a PITCHME.md file. So you can view the GitPitch slideshow presentation associated with this tutorial at the following URL:


Note how $USER has been replaced with my GitHub account name ( gitpitch ) and $REPO has been replaced with the name of my repository ( in-60-seconds ).

Once you have created your own GitPitch slideshow presentation URL it should open and look a lot like this:


Immediately you can download your slideshow for offline presentation, print it as a PDF document, or share it on social media.

The Fastest Way from Idea to Presentation.

Beyond support for standard Markdown on presentation slides, GitPitch delivers a wide range of features that cater to developers, speakers, educators, etc.

See the Template Gallery for quickstart markdown presentaton templates. Simply fork or download the templates repo and start customizing the presentation markdown to reflect your needs.

To view a live slideshow demonstration of a wide range of features try out the GitPitch Kitchen Sink. To dig deeper, see the GitPitch Wiki for a detailed How-To.

And don't forget to check out GitPitch Pro Features to learn how you can achieve even more with GitPitch using GitPitch Desktop, GitPitch Surveys, and GitPitch Security.