
Employee Salary Calculator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weekend Challenge 1: Salary Calculator

Create an application that records employee salaries and adds salaries up to report monthly costs.

Topics Covered

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery - Selectors, append, and event handling


The application should have an input form that collects employee first name, last name, ID number, job title, annual salary.

A 'Submit' button should collect the form information, store the information to calculate monthly costs, append information to the DOM and clear the input fields. Using the stored information, calculate monthly costs and append this to the to DOM. If the total monthly cost exceeds $20,000, add a red background color to the total monthly cost.

Create a delete button that removes an employee from the DOM. For Base mode, it does not need to remove that Employee's salary from the reported total.

Files Provided

No files have been provided. Fork and clone this repository or create a new GitHub repository to get started. Make sure to commit regularily!



Stretch Mode

Create an Employee class to store the information about each new employee in an Array.

Add styling or extra functionality that fits with the theme of this assignment.

Once the employee is deleted, update the total spend on salaries account for this employee's removal. This will require that the logic knows which element was removed. You will need to use .text() as a getter or look into jQuery's .data() function. This is tricky!

Reminder About Modes

Above, we introduced the concept of levels of difficulty. "Mode" is how we will typically refer to each level. Below is a brief explanation of

  • what to expect when attempting each mode
  • if they are required or not
Mode Description
Base required
Stretch optional, stretches your understanding and may require additional research

Assignment Submission

Check in your repo, then turn in your work via the Prime Academy Assignment Application at http://primeacademy.io, as usual and don't hesitate to hit up the Slack channel as needed!