React Redux with Sagas

You have been provided with data for a small Zoo. Your web app should display all of the animal species along with the class for that species. Please read all instructions before you get started.

NOTE: You should only need to modify two files for this checkpoint (src/index.js and server/routers/zoo.router.js).


  1. Create a database table named zoo_animals

  2. Run the following SQL using the zoo_animals database:

    CREATE TABLE "class" (
        "id" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        "class_name" varchar(255) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE "species" (
        "id" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        "species_name" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
        "class_id" INT REFERENCES "class"
    INSERT INTO "class" ("class_name") 
    VALUES ('Mammal'), ('Bird'), ('Fish'), ('Reptile'), ('Amphibian');
    INSERT INTO "species" ("species_name", "class_id") 
    VALUES ('Blue Spiny Lizard', 4), ('Murray River Turtle', 4), 
    ('Tomato Frog', 5), ('Wyoming Toad', 5), 
    ('Tiger Salamander', 5), ('Freshwater Catfish', 3), 
    ('Sarus Crane', 2), ('Great Horned Owl', 2), 
    ('Magpie Robin', 2), ('Toco Toucan', 2), 
    ('Northern Pintail Duck', 2), ('Blue-winged Teal', 2),
    ('Dwarf Mongoose', 1), ('Moutain Goat', 1),
    ('Guinea Pig', 1), ('Red Kangaroo', 1), 
    ('Tammar Wallaby', 1), ('Koala', 1), 
    ('Dwarf Zebu', 1), ('Red Panda', 1);
  3. npm install

  4. npm run server

  5. npm run client

Task List

  • Write your SQL in the routes/zoo.router.js file.
  • Add a Saga in the index.js file for making your GET request. It should listen for the action type of GET_ZOO_ANIMALS.

Sample Output

When the Saga and router are working as expected, the page should display the following:

Species Class
Blue Spiny Lizard Reptile
Murray River Turtle Reptile
Tomato Frog Amphibian
Wyoming Toad Amphibian
Tiger Salamander Amphibian
Freshwater Catfish Fish
Sarus Crane Bird
Great Horned Owl Bird
Magpie Robin Bird
Toco Toucan Bird
Northern Pintail Duck Bird
Blue-winged Teal Bird
Dwarf Mongoose Mammal
Moutain Goat Mammal
... ...

Stretch Goal

NOTE: Please commit your code before moving on to the stretch goals.

  • Create a form that allows the Zookeeper to add a new animal
  • Add ability to transfer an animal to a different zoo (remove them from the database)
  • Create a form that allows the Zookeeper to add new class