
An example of a static site, migrated to kubernetes.

Primary LanguageHTML

Example Static Site Migration to Kubernetes

This repository contains an example static site hosted on a LAMP stack, and subsequent migration to kubernetes.

Kubernetes Branch

You are on the finished kubernetes branch. To see what the site looked like before, check out the static git branch.

How It Works

First, I'm using a Makefile to easily store the long command-line arguments. It's as simple as calling make build when you need to rebuild your image.

Change the IMAGE_NAME variable to your desired image name. I'm using the full gcr.io/project-name/image-name path so I can easily push these images to my private docker repository in Google Cloud.

Call make build from the project root to build and tag a new docker image. Once that's done, confirm it's working by running the make run command and visiting your browser at

With that working, Ctrl-C out of the running script, and run make push to push your changes to your GCR repository (provided you have it set up already).

Once your changes have been successfully pushed, you can call make deploy to deploy your site and service to your kubernetes cluster. Keep in mind, you will stil need to handle ingress traffic.